Double Trouble 2

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It was spring cleaning time in Cloud Recess, which was frankly a surprise to Wei Wuxian to know that even the Lan clan have clutter. Granted it was their own version with everything neatly spaced apart – the main point was to get rid of anything with no use or rehome them since the clan received so many gifts.

There were some decent finds that Wei Wuxian could modify into something useful, some questionable ones and some items that held much value.

But the most intriguing item of all was found in the back corner, behind a heavy oak wardrobe that was too heavy for its own good. It was a mirror since it looked like one, had all the attributes of one, but something about it was off. There was a reflection, Wei Wuxian could see himself and the juniors that were with him as they peered at the surface, yet the image that was reflected back did not look right. Dreading that the item might be malicious, Wei Wuxian requested for it to be brought back to the Jingshi.

“Something is off about it, right?” Ever since it arrived, Wei Wuxian had been inspecting it non-stop. He still could not take his eyes off it even during dinner. Lan Wangji had returned from a night hunting trip that ended up lasting longer than it was supposed to, Wei Wuxian should be showering him with attention, but it seems like something else had captured it instead.

“Mmn.” His husband replied as he sipped quietly at his soup. Talking was forbidden during eating, but Wei Wuxian was an exception to the rule as always.

Afterwards, Lan Wangji was even dragged into making his own inspection of the mirror. He circled around it once, twice and three times, and still could not find anything wrong with it. There seemed to be no resentful energy, no trace of evil, but he did agree with the former that something was not right about it. The pair were stood side by side, which was reflected perfectly fine, with Mo Xuanyu’s body nearly a head shorter than Lan Wangji who was also doubled in bulkiness – a fact that always turns him on during their more intimate times. Especially when he holds Wei Wuxian’s whole weight with his two hands as he fucks him in the air. Or when he holds both wrists down with just one hand and the other pushing Wei Wuxian’s quivering leg wider to take him deeper.

Feeling the inkling of arousal flash through him, Wei Wuxian jolted in shame and twisted away from the mirror so that he didn’t have to see his shameful face. However, he ended up turning too fast and knocked into Lan Wangji by accident. Considering his strength, Lan Wangji was hard to knock over, but he was caught off guard at that moment and slipped…straight towards the mirror. Wei Wuxian tried to grab him, but he was too late, Lan Wangji was on a collision course straight for the mirror, and he really didn’t want seven years of bad luck and millions of tiny pieces of shattered glass to clean up.

Expect, that never happened.

Instead of the crystal-clear sound of glass smashing, there was a muted sound like something being dropped into water, as Lan Wangji was swallowed by the surface. He fell straight into the mirror. One moment there was the reflection of Lan Wangji’s back and his cloud patterned robes, the next Wei Wuxian was staring at his own horrified face. Lan Wangji was gone! Wei Wuxian cried as he touched the surface, which went back to being solid again (or was it never solid in the first place?). But before Wei Wuxian could scream for help, he heard two thumping sounds and the distinct huff that Lan Wangji made when he was pissed.

From horror to joy, Wei Wuxian was elated to hear that his husband was not lost to the void after all. But that horror came back when he saw that there Lan Wangji was not alone…because there was two of him!


Wei Wuxian was big enough to admit that he did have thoughts of being spit roasted by two versions of his husband, but he was not dumb enough to think that it could be a reality. Turns out, he was dumb enough to think that it wouldn’t come true! It started when the three were sat around the table, in silence as Wei Wuxian raked his mind for all the possible explanations.

“It must be a duplicate tool or something.” He mumbled thoughtfully. Taking another glance at the pair of twins in the room, it was hard to distinguish between who was the real one since both wore the same clothes and the exact same expression. Turns out, the twin also shared the same brain because they talked in almost perfect unison. The fact had Wei Wuxian titering on the line between arousal and fear, because one of the first things he thought of when he saw the twins was how the sex would be, but then he was worried that there would be no way to get rid of the twin. To think that there would be two Hanguang-Juns, the whole world would be taken care of. “But it didn’t take my hand when I touched it…it must take power from an energy source?”

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