my naughty omega

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Lan Zhan had lived her whole life following rules and regulations, until a pretty little Omega boy had come along one night.

She certainly hadn’t expected to meet someone that would capture her heart. Though female Alpha’s were the only ones capable of pairing with any secondary gender, whether male or female, and potentially produce offspring. Lan Zhan had never thought she’d ever meet someone that she was attracted to. She enjoyed the thought of pinning the Omega under her and taking him and filling him full of her seed. She wanted to breed him, fill him up until he was crying and begging for mercy.

These thoughts were unusual for her and left her very embarrassed. Hoping that her brother doesn’t understand that look in her eyes.

Though she and Wei Ying did seem to bond especially well she served over his punishment. He was very kind-hearted, and though he could be annoying at times she found herself drawn to him.

“Lan Zhan!” She hears his voice call as he hurries over to her in the library pavilion. He approached her and began to speak quickly.

“Today is the last day of my punishment, I should give a gift to Lan-Guniang,” Wei Ying says with a bright smile.

“Ridiculous,” she says as she feels her ears flush.

She goes to open the book she was just looking at and her eyes scan the pages before landing on a picture of two people having sex. The pairing was a female Alpha and a male omega and it didn’t go unnoticed to her watchful gaze.

“Wei Ying!” She yells ears blushing madly, as she throws the book away. She could feel her cock stiffen up under her robes. But she was always aroused with Wei Ying around so it was nothing new.

“Haha! Lan Zhan! Lan Zhan! You should have seen the look on your face!” Wei Ying teases.

Her inner Alpha roared and she moved forward and in an instant, she flung down the slightly smaller body and pinned the poor Omega to the floor.

“Wei Ying,” she growled out.

She hears Wei Ying gulp, “Ah Lan-Jie! This one is sorry! He promises he won’t do it again,” he submits to her instantly and turns his head just so. She wanted nothing more than to sink her fangs into that neck and claim him. Which was what she was going to do. She begins to strip the others' robes quickly trying to lay him bare before her.

“Lan Zhan! What are you doing? Stop!” Wei Ying begs and he tries to move away from her hold as she begins to strip him. She removes her own robes and pulls down her pants just enough to spring out her thick and long erection. As soon as Wei Ying’s pants are pulled down enough to reveal his pussy she quickly pushes one finger inside the virgin cunt.

She thrusts in one finger, two, then a third ignoring the poor Omega’s protests, Wei Ying lets out a soft whine as she finally lines up her thick blunt head to his pussy lips. She bares down and pushes inside, his poor cunt is pushed apart by the thick cock. The virgin lips spread and break his hymen. Blood rushing down past the chaste lips.

Lan Zhan moves shallow thrusts as she works her way inside. She closes her eyes and just enjoys the feeling of a hot wet hole to plunge into.

She slowly works her way inside until she bottoms out. If she looked down she could see the slight bulge made from her cock.

Wei Ying whines softly and speaks, crying out in ecstasy, “Lan-Guniang, please! Please, more!”

He begs for her cock and it was like all her dreams, but this time it is real.

She works her way to a brutal pace as she slams into the poor body below her, she doesn’t know how long she’s drilling inside his poor body, it all becomes a blur, eventually, her climax builds after what was most likely hours, and she knots the poor Omega beneath her, who looks like he was fucked out of his mind. She pulls her Wei Ying in close and cradles his neck in her hands, she bites roughly into his neck, claiming him as her own.

It seems as if her poor Wei Ying had passed out from how rough she was.

And then as soon as her knot deflates she sets a brutal pace once more. She keeps going until Wei Ying has been fucked so full of cum he is sure to be carrying her pups.

“Lan Zhan! I never knew you could be so cruel! You’re not the pristine young mistress everyone makes you out to be! I’m sure to be pregnant with Lan Zhan’s pup’s!” Wei Ying said after he gained consciousness.

“If Lan Zhan takes responsibility I’ll tell everyone that it was consensual! Before this, I didn’t realize I held feelings for Lan-Guniang! But now, Lan Zhan! I’m very much in love with you!”

“Love Wei Ying too…”

“Wangi, you’re a disappointment,” Her Uncle says when he learns of what had transpired in the library pavilion.

She says nothing as she is not sorry and she cannot lie.

“Wangji, will take responsibility,” is her only response.

“You will, it would be a disgrace to GusuLan if you didn't! Now get out of my sight!”

They married in glorious trails of red silk, and red-colored Cloud Recesses.

A few months later, Wei Ying gave birth to a beautiful baby boy that he named A-Yuan.

The future looked glorious indeed. As Lan Zhan and Wei Ying enjoyed their happy future together.

A-Yuan was there everything, and Lan Zhan was sure to give her Omega all the babies his heart could desire.

So, when Wei Ying got pregnant again not even a week later, no one was surprised. The Lan Clan were happy with their heirs, and Wei Ying and Lan Zhan were happy with their children, their marriage, the sex, and most importantly each other.

After all, everyday means everyday, wasn’t just Lan Zhan’s motto for sex. Everyday with her family was just as important.

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