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"You good?" Addie asked Jacob one day on set.

He didn't seem like himself. He was extra sensitive or something. And he seemed to be in a weird mood.

"Yeah." He huffed.

"Are you sure? You just seem-"

"Seem like what, Addie? I'm fucking fine. Mind your business." He snapped at her.

She furrowed her brow, glaring up at him, "Sorry for caring."

And she walked back to her trailer, ready for this day to be over. Yet, they had to do take after take after take. And with every take, Addie could see Jacob's mood getting worse, but thankfully, they finished quick enough, and back to her trailer she went. She heard a knock on the door as she was packing her things up.

"Come in." She yelled as she continued packing.

The door opened to reveal Jacob, who climbed the stairs with a guilty and sad look on his face.

"Oh, hey." She sighed, turning her back to him as he collapsed onto her couch.

"I need to apologize."

"We all have-"

"Joey broke up with me."

She widened her eyes, "She what?"

Oh shit.

"She broke up with me last night and, I just, sorry, I'm taking my anger out on everyone around me. It's totally not fair to any of you at all. So, I'm sorry for the way I acted this morning. I am."

"Are you okay?"

He chuckled slightly, "Uh, no, no I am not, but at the same time I am. But frankly, you're the only person I want to be around right now."

"What can I do? Do you want to talk about it?"

"Yeah, I do." He muttered, looking up at her as she walked over to him and took a seat beside him.

"The floors yours."

"Obviously she wasn't my first girlfriend, but she did have quite the impact on my life, you know, I mean, this is a crucial point in my life, the acting aspect and such, not the breakup. Well, the breakup too, I guess, but like-"

"Jacob, Jacob. Take a deep breath."

He did.

"Sorry, I guess I'm kind of rambling."

"Just a little bit, but I'm here to listen to all of it."

"We just did a lot together. From her, I gained so many new experiences and I learned plenty of lessons." He sighed, "Can I be honest though?"


"I never thought it would be like, long term, if that makes sense. I thought it would be a fling during filming, you know? But it was nice that it went on longer, I just, I feel like she took it upon herself to do what I guess I couldn't do, and end things. Cause honestly, it was pretty stagnant." He chuckled softly, "Obviously I will miss her. She's fun and likes to be the centre of attention, but there were the downsides too."

"Like what?"

"I don't want to say negative things."

"Let me put it this way, what was it about her or about the relationship that made you know it wouldn't go further? Or that you didn't want it to?"

He shrugged slightly, "It was just little things. Certain things were cute at first then got annoying. I know she like to make people laugh but after awhile, it just got repetitive and it wasn't funny anymore. Plus, I mean this in the nicest way, but her family is a lot. They're all very loud and overly dramatic. Does that sound mean?"

Loving You ~ Drew Starkey / Austin Butler / Jacob Elordi Where stories live. Discover now