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"You still haven't seen him?"

"No, Rory, like I said, I've been busy."

Rory rolled her eyes at her younger sister, "Busy doing what? You've been here with mom and dad since they scooped your ass up from the airport."

Addie groaned, "I meant to see him, I swear, I just, I guess I wanted some time at home."

"You're telling me you went from seeing this guy 24/7 to not seeing him?" Rory asked.

"Yup, I guess so."

"Call him."


"Now, Adeline."

"I hate you." Addie said as she pressed his contact, chewing on the inside of her lip.

"It's about time, Adeline." Austin answered, sighing slightly.

"I have to apologize, Aus. I owe you an explanation."

"It's fine."

"It's not." She paused, "I just, I got wrapped up in life at my parents and I just, I just ignored the other parts of my life. I'm sorry you were a part of that."

"I appreciate the apology, but I'm more happy that you called."

"So am I." She sighed softly, "What have you been up to?"

"I also have been spending time with my family, uh, and my friends of course. It's been good, really good."

"I'm glad to hear, Aus. Are you looking forward to Christmas?"

He chuckled softly, "Of course I am. Are you?"

"It's my favourite time of the year."

"What are your plans for tomorrow?"

"You mean for Christmas Eve?" She clarified.

"Yeah, what's your go to tradition?"

"Um...we usually host a dinner here and my grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, you name it, uh, they come."

"Sounds eventful."

"It's always a long night, but a good one. What are your usual plans?"

"Same sorta thing for me, but we do it Christmas Day."

"Ahhh, I see."

"What do you guys do Christmas Day then?" He asked, curiously.

"Basically spend the day together as a family and then my parents friends come over for appetizers and drinks and, uh, we usually have live music."

"Sounds amazing."

"You should drop by after your dinner."

She didn't even realize she invited him until the words left her lips.


"Yeah, uh, if you have time, I'd really appreciate it. I mean, I have a present for you."


"You have to take it. You can't say no."

He chuckled, "I have a present for you too."

"Well, then you have to come."

"You already know I'll be there, Addie."

"Good." She smiled softly, "So I'll see you in two days?"

"Definitely. I'll keep my word."

"I know you will."

"Goodnight, Addie."

"Night, Aus." She replied, hanging up as Rory smiled at her.

Loving You ~ Drew Starkey / Austin Butler / Jacob Elordi Where stories live. Discover now