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Halfway through filming OBX, Austin came to visit. Yes, Elvis Austin. And no, Drew still had no clue about their secret, yet not so secret, friends with benefits/relationship/whatever the fuck it was.

To make matters worse, Austin showed up the same weekend that Jacob came to visit. Along with various other friends of the cast.

After picking up Jacob the day prior and the cast finally introducing themselves to him, things were going pretty good. Jacob and Drew even had a level-headed conversation and were merely acquaintances now, maybe even on the way to being semi-friends.

"Wow, that guy likes you." Jacob said, shaking his head briefly after sitting beside Addie on the couch.

"What are you talking about?"

"Drew. Last night, he wouldn't stop rambling on about you after I finally proved to him that I'm harmless." Jacob sighed, "He really hated me, didn't he?"

"Sadly, he did."

"Well, he likes me now, so that's all that matters, but anyways, yeah, he's in love with you." Jacob raised his eyebrows at her, "Poor bloke is gonna flip when he finds out about you and Elvis though."

"Can you use his real name?"

He put his hands up defensively, "Oh, my bad. He's going to flip when he finds out about you and Austin. Is that better?"

"He's not going to flip."

"Maybe flip is the wrong word. He's not going to be happy with you, that's for sure."

"It's none of his business."

"And yet, you're so scared for him to find out. Why is that? Oh, right, because you still care about him and-"

"I really hate you right now, you know that?"

Jacob furrowed his brow, "Hate? What? I thought you loved me."

"I have a love-hate relationship with you." Addie paused, "I'm glad you and Drew are getting along."

"Yeah, hopefully we'll be best pals now that he'll switch to hating Austin's guts instead of mine."

"Cut it out." Addie scolded him as he cackled in response.

Now, Austin had told one person he was coming. The one person he knew Addie was the closest with, other than Drew, obviously.

And that was Madelyn.

They had planned it perfectly.

As the entire group, plus their extended friends, were walking through the lobby, Austin walked through the lobby doors, which Addie didn't take notice of, but others did.

"What the..." Drew muttered.

"Hey!" Austin yelled, "Priscilla!"

Addie heard the name and furrowed her brow, glancing over to where the sound came from as her jaw dropped and a smile spread across her face, "Aus?"

"Hey darling." He yelled once more as she practically ran to him, engulfing him in a hug.

Darling, Drew thought, he calls her darling?

"Oh my god, what? What are you doing here?"

"Wanted to come visit." He muttered in her ear, "I missed you."

"So did I."

"I didn't realize everyone else was going to be here." He said as the separated, "Sorry I ruined your weekend to visit her Jacob."

Loving You ~ Drew Starkey / Austin Butler / Jacob Elordi Where stories live. Discover now