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*Again a continuation of a timeskip throughout 2021!*

MAY 2021

"Well, how do I look?"

"Pregnant." Jacob said, as the two broke into laughter.

They were on set for Euphoria and Addie had tried on her newest, and biggest baby bump so far, for their next set of scenes.

"I feel like your character has been pregnant for half of the show."

"Me too." She agreed, "I'll be happy when Sophie is no longer pregnant."

"You do look pretty cute pregnant."

"That's so weird." She said, flashing him a look, "Don't say that."

"What? You'll be a MILF one day." He smiled slightly, "And you know it."

"Shut up." She said as he laughed.


"When's the last time you talked to Austin? Or anyone from the Elvis movie?" Jacob asked as they sat down for dinner with the cast.

"You're asking that now?"

"Yes." He grinned.

"I talked to Baz yesterday."

"And the others?"

"I don't's been awhile..I mean, uh, here and there I check in with Austin."

"Do you ever miss him?"

"I miss his company."

"Freak." He stuck out his tongue.

"Not in that way, loser. I mean, I miss him being my friend, like our current interaction, you know?"

"Yeah, yeah, I know." He replied, "And Drew?"

"What about Drew?"

"What's your status?"

"Uh...I'm not-"

Sam cut them off by clinking a spoon to his glass to make a toast, causing their attention to shift to him instead.


"I booked the movie!" Drew exclaimed as soon as Addie answered the phone.

"Yay! That's so exciting, Drew! I'm proud of you." She beamed.

"Fuck, I'm pumped. Thanks for running through all the lines day after day with me."

"Anytime, really. When, and where, do you start filming?"

"Uh, July we start filming."

"Wow." She was taken aback, "That's soon."

"The only shitty part is we film in Serbia."


Loving You ~ Drew Starkey / Austin Butler / Jacob Elordi Where stories live. Discover now