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billie didn't like attention, unlike every other girl at her school. wearing pants so high you could see their asscrack, their shirt so low you could basically see half of their boobs.

billie never understood it, but she didn't complain either. she knew she liked girls, but she could never admit it to anyone, well except her brother.

she and her brother finneas have been close since birth. one time he even saved her life when she was a kid and tried to swallow a way to big toy.

while the other girls went out of their way to get attention from boys, billie sat in a corner reading a book. she quickly found an interest in reading.

she didn't care if it was on her kindle, or a physical book, although she preferred the physical books. her father, patrick built her a big bookshelf in her room, she loved him for that.

she often listens to music while reading, especially in school. the sound of loud students were often overwhelming. so she put her new airpods in her ear, and listened to either "lana del ray" or "cigarettes after sex"

she found their music relaxing, and not too overwhelming while she read. and this is how billie finds herself at this exact moment.

she's sitting in the school cafeteria, "K. - cigarettes after sex" playing in her ears, her eyes glued to the book in her hand. "solitaire - alice oseman"

alice oseman is one of her favorite authors, mostly because of heartstopper.

finneas suggested that billie should join a book club, and that he knows of one at this school actually. billie never noticed anyone else reading at school, this might be because she always had her nose in a book.

she's almost done with her book before the school bell rings, some people from her school might call her a loner, or a freak.

mostly because of her tourette's.

she hides them pretty well, but of course they had to break out during a stressful test. some guy names jeramy filmed her and sent it to the whole school.

she had two friends other than her brother, zoe and drew. but of course they had to go to another school, billie tired to talk her mom into making billie switch schools to drew and zoe's, but her mom didn't budge. she didn't want her kids to go to two different schools.

billie quickly packs up her stuff in her black backpack, before she leaves the cafeteria with everyone else.

billie often wondered why the girls dressed like they did, and she wishes she had the confidence to dress as she wants to at school.

she normally wears a hoodie and sweatpants at school, but her closet at home is way more exclusive. it's filled with corsets, fishnets, thigh highs, tiny tank tops etc.

the brown haired girl could never imagine wearing that to school, not because she thinks she looks ugly. but because she doesn't want to be judged.

the loud noises of students going to class fills billie's ears, she's excited for this class. she has two hours of english in front of her, which is her favorite subject.

then she has history, and then she can go home. she loves english because they can read for 20 minutes at the start of the class, and she often finishes her work fast just so she can read.

history is also high on her favorite subject list. the small girl loves learning about what has happened, and finds it easy to remember.

billie walks into the back of the classroom, taking the seat in the corner. the quiet girl likes the back seats, she gets more peace there.

the classroom soon fills up with students, billie finds herself looking at one particular girl as she walks inside.

avery jackson.

the head of the basketball team. it wasn't a surprise that billie had a crush on the taller girl, everyone did. billie sometimes heard girls talking about how good avery fucked them last night, but she noticed that avery hasn't been in a relationship since 6th grade.

avery jackson either spent her days at the basketball court with her friends, working out or surprisingly reading a book.

that was something no one knew about avery, well some. the sporty girl loves reading, and often loses track of time because of it.

she had recently cut her hair, so she now had some nice layers on her hair. what billie adored most about this girl was that she didn't care what other people thought, or at least billie didn't think she did.

billie's eyes were glued to avery, she noticed every detail. how this girl was always smiling, it was interesting how this girl always seemed so happy.

the brown haired girl studied avery way too often, from how avery's eyebrows knitted together when she was confused, to how she always wore a pair of shorts. how she would chew on her pen when she didn't get a math question right in math class.

how avery were always at the basketball court, and how the team always lost when avery wasn't there. she sat with her friends at lunch, and billie wished so much she had the confidence to go to avery and ask for her number.

but she simply felt like avery would ignore her, or she would be one of her one night stands. the brown haired girl didn't just want to be a one night stand. she wanted to be more. she wanted to be avery's girlfriend.

billie heard the rumors about avery's dick a while back, but she doesn't know what to believe. she heard about females with dicks before, but she wasn't sure what to believe.

as her eye brow start acting up, she looks away. billie finds the hem of her soft hoodie and pulls it over her head. praying that the ticking will stop soon.

just as the teacher announced that the class was gonna read, billie happily pulled out her book. opening it on the last 50 pages before she starts reading.

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