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avery smiles to herself as she throws another basketball into the net. it's been a while since she has gotten to practice. especially practice alone.

she's been so busy with billie she has barely been playing. which she doesn't really mind. she loves to be around billie, and if she could choose she would be around billie all the time.

since it's friday, billie is at the book club. but alone this time. avery had told her that she wasn't gonna go this time, and that she wanted to practice instead since she hasn't been practicing a lot lately.

billie told her it was okay, but she still wanted to go to the book club. since mika was most likely not gonna be there.

she was right, mika wasn't there. mika was in fact  watching avery practice. watching her every move, she found avery very hot while she practiced.

she could see her abs and her strong arms. she always had her hair in a ponytail while she practiced, and shorts that showed off her beautiful legs.

mika knew what she wanted to do, she wanted avery for herself. she didn't want billie in the way, everything was so perfect until billie came. she ruined everything between her and avery.

now all avery cares about is billie. and not her. well, she hasn't really cared for her. but, she cared for her when, eh, well yeah. mika couldn't think of how much time she cared for her.

but she was gonna make her care for her.

she walks up to avery, wearing as little of clothing as possible. small biker shorts, a tiny crop top, with a big push up bra.

she claps her hands as avery throws the ball in the net. avery holds the ball under her arm, looking over at mika.

she raises an eyebrow at the girl, she was basically naked. with a deep sigh, avery walks up to mika. why is this girl everywhere?

"can i help you?" avery raises an eyebrow again, looking down at the girl who could never leave her alone.

"no, i just like watching you. you're really good" mika smiles, pushing her chest forward. avery mentally rolls her eyes, gripping the ball tighter.

"that's nice i guess, but i really want to do this. so if you could go that would be nice" avery gives her a fake smile.

"why can't i watch you? you're so strong" mika goes to touch avery's muscles, but the blue haired girl moves before she can.

"mika, i don't like you, not as a friend, not more than a friend. and i don't know what you're trying to do. if you could leave me and billie alone that would be nice, just go for someone that likes you. you're a wonderful girl and i'm sure there's many people out here who would love to be with you, but i don't like you and i don't want to be with you"

"but i don't want anyone else, avery, i want you." mika walks closer to avery, which makes avery take a step back.

"but i don't like you mika, you can't force me to like you, you can't force anyone to just like you. leave me and billie alone, and i don't have to tell anyone anything" avery smiles at her.

"and what could you possibly have on me?" mika raises an eyebrow, stepping closer to avery again.

"well except the fact that you have a dry ass pussy, i know that your dad left you when you were 9, your mom talks shit about you behind you back, the last guy you were with used you for money which left you almost broke"

mika swallows hard, she didn't know how avery knew this. this was stuff she hadn't told anyone. and if anyone found out, her whole school reputation would be crushed. and, and she could get bullied. her worse fear was to be bullied, and, and if avery could make that happen, she would lose everything.

"how do you know that?" a small tear slips down from mika's eye, avery smirks back at her. she tried to be nice, and she wouldn't get the hint. she's honestly just tired of this girl.

"if you ever make fun of billie, pick on her or do anything mean to her or me, i'll tell everyone. if you ever tried to come in between me and billie i'll fucking tell everyone. now take a fucking hint and get the fuck away from me."

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