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"how was the book club?" avery smiles at billie, holding her hand as they walk home. their walk home was about 20 minutes, but they didn't mind.

the sun was starting to set, and the sky looked very beautiful. with all sorts of colors. billie smiles as she remembers how the book club was.

"it went very good actually, the book for the week is a court of thorns and roses, but i've already read it" billie giggles, avery raises an eyebrow at the girl.

"you have read the acotar series?" billie hums, nodding her head as they walk down the street.

"didn't think you'd be that kind of girl," billie giggles, turning her head to look at avery with a smile. "why? because i seem so innocent?"

avery smirks at the girl, "maybe" billie giggles at her, looking at the road again. she really enjoyed the series, and it took her about a week to finish it.

"have you read it?" avery hums, gripping billie's hand tighter. "yeah, it was a while ago. i didn't read a court of silver flames though, i couldn't stand her sister so i just couldn't do it, i just don't understand how someone can be so selfish. although i don't know if she changes, or has a reason for it"

billie nods her head, "i didn't read that one either, maybe i will sometime." they continue to walk in silence.

avery kept thinking about how fucking stupid mika is, and was wondering if she should take it up with billie. but decided not to.

it doesn't make sense how she just thinks she can make avery like her. that's not how it works and she should know that.

but she was happy mika wasn't at the bookclub alone with billie. she might would have hurt billie in a way, and she wasn't sure if billie would stick up for herself or not.

she normally doesn't, but, avery hopes she will someday. because billie is beautiful inside and out and doesn't deserve to be bullied because of something she can't control.

that's like bullying someone with cancer just because they have cancer.

they reach billie's house first, a sigh coming from billie's lips "is you dad still out of town?" billie asks as they stand outside of her house. she didn't want avery to go home, she wanted avery here. she slept better when she was here.

"he comes home this sunday, why princess?" billie smiles at avery, gripping her hand tighter. just then, billie realized how hard she had fallen for avery.

"can you come inside? and like, stay here until he comes home?" avery smiles at billie, god billie is so cute.

"if you don't mind me taking a shower and stealing your clothes" billie giggles, her hand went on the doorknob as she opened the door for them.

"i don't mind at all"


avery was in the shower as billie laid on her bed, stormy was still here. she is lying down on the floor, billie loves avery's cat, she's so cute.

as avery was in the shower, she thought about how she would do this. she wanted avery to be her girlfriend. and if avery doesn't like her back, well fuck her then.

she could confess her feelings, just tell her how she feels and that she wants to be avery's girlfriend. just go straight forward.

or she could just kiss avery, probably fuck. and then tell her after. but what if avery doesn't want her after she had slept with billie?

billie had made her plan clear, she knew what she was gonna do it. she was gonna make avery sit next to her, then she would either confess her feelings by sitting on her lap, or after she had kissed her.

she wanted avery to be hers, and she was tired of waiting. she could probably wait until avery said something, but that could take forever.

and not kissing avery everyday was so hard, let's not forget the fact that billie wanted avery to dominate her. do unspeakable things to her.

she hears the water stop running, and not long after avery walks into her room. she wears billie's white hoodie set.

it was really just a white hoodie and some white sweatpants. but for some reason billie found this very attractive.

avery smiles at her, before taking a seat beside billie.

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