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billie happily runs down the stairs, approaching the door as fast as possible. the tiny girl was excited, she really likes being around avery.

when billie opens the door, she's met by a soaked avery. today was really a rainy day, billie didn't know why avery would go on a walk so late at night, or especially when she knew it was gonna rain.

billie shook it off, taking avery up to her room. avery carefully put her backpack down, smiling at the brunette.

"do you want some clothes?" her smile grows, "yeah if you have some that would be nice" billie walks over to her closet, taking out a black hoodie with some matching black sweatpants.

avery softly lifts stormy out of her backpack, placing her softly on the ground. "i hope it's okay i took my cat with me" the taller girl kisses her teeth as billie comes back in the room.

billie loved animals, every kind. and she surely wasn't afraid of any animals. "yeah of course that's okay, i love cats" billie smiles.

the smaller girl walks up to avery, handing her the clothes. "you can change in my closet if you want," she giggles.

with a nod, avery walks to her closet. she wasn't really sure how she ended up calling billie, she for sure could just have unlocked her fathers house door and walked inside. she did have a key.

but for some reason she wanted to go to billie's house.

billie's closet wasn't small, it was the biggest avery ever had seen. and what surprised her most, is that billie had a lot of corsets, fishnets, thigh highs, mini skirts and dresses.

she hasn't seen billie in one, but she for sure would love to one time. avery is quick to change into the clothes billie gave her, the clothes smelled like the brunette.

when billie sees avery, the blush is quick to fall on her cheeks. she never knew she would get this, this soft feeling of seeing avery with her clothes on.

avery smiles as she enters billie's room, billie is laying on her bed with stormy on her chest. her fingers stroking stormy's back.

"i'm glad she likes you, she doesn't like new people" avery starts, laying down beside the other girl. billie smiles, "what can i say? i have some sort of power"

the sound of sweet laughter fills billie's ears, their heads touching softly. stormy walks up to the girls heads, laying herself on the girls heads.

"i love your cat" avery's heart was beating so hard in her chest. oh god. just that sentence made her whole body just want to kiss billie. wait. what?

she didn't like billie, no no, not like that. billie is a friend. a friend. nothing more, nothing less. right? right.

"she loves you too," billie giggles, grabbing her tv remote. stormy got comfortable between the two, and she was probably gonna fall asleep soon.

"wanna watch anything?" avery hums as billie turns on the tv. the office appears on the big screen, and billie suddenly feels her cheek grow hot.

"you watch the office too?" taking a breath before she answered, billie hums. "love the show" a gasp leaves avery's lips.

"me too, shit i've never met anyone who loves this show," billie laughs, looking over at the girl beside her. "now you have"

"wanna binge season 7? it's my favorite" billie smirks. avery saw that billie wasn't so nervous and shy around her, as she was around anyone else.

"that's my favorite season too, shit are you stalking me or some shit?" billie laughs at avery's confusion, shaking her head.

"no but i'm a girl with good taste in shows." avery smirks at her, "i can gladly binge it with you, if you go get the snacks" the smaller girl rolls her eyes, but agrees.

maybe if billie questioned her more, and got her to open up. everything would be much better for the girl. she didn't want to make anyone feel pity for her. or feel sad for her.

she didn't want pity.

so she simply didn't tell anyone. she also thought it was embarrassing. although, she knew that if billie ever asked the right questions, she wouldn't lie. there is something with billie she can't describe.

she knew she could trust billie.

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