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avery couldn't understand why mika was here, she didn't even like reading. the others got november 9th and started on the first chapter, she sat there and read in her favorite book. the seven husbands of evelyn hugo.

she learned that billie also read november 9th. she knew billie liked to read, most of the time she saw her billie would be reading. other than that billie liked to read she didn't know much of her.

"billie and avery, why don't you go over there and talk about your thoughts on november 9th?" chloe smiled at the girls, they both took their books in their bags, walking to the corner chloe was pointing at.

billie was nervous, she liked avery. but avery probably didn't even know anything about her. billie probably knew more than she should, she knew she went to practice every day after school, except for wednesday, for a reason she doesn't know.

avery felt chill, she wanted to talk about the book. she had enjoyed it, and understood why ben did what he did. the girls sit down in a corner in the library. the place was small, and they sat way too close for billie's liking, she was a nervous wreck.

"so what's your opinion on the book?" avery leaned down into a bookshelf, looking at the brunette with a smile. billie hasn't been this nervous in a while. but she loves to talk about books, so she wasn't nervous about that part.

billie starts to rant about the book, how she thought the only meeting once a year thing was stupid, and the fact that they couldn't add each other on social media stupid, and how she didn't like ben.

avery then continues, and tells billie about her opinion. how she could never last being away from someone all year except a day if she loved them. how she actually liked ben, and thought his reasons for doing what he did was valid.

billie smiles to herself, she could never imagine someone like avery reading books, it just didn't seem right. she was a basketball player, not a reader. as avery finishes, she smiles at billie.

"what's your favorite book?" billie hated that question, just because she could never decide everything was so good. she thought for a moment, she thought about the books she enjoyed reading most, before coming up with the perfect answer.

"i don't know"

billie laughs at herself, "everything is just so good, i cant just choose one" avery smiles at the smaller girl. she finds billie adorable, just a second ago billie was as still as a feather, now shes talking like she doesn't care about anything. avery liked that.

"i also find that question hard, although i do love the seven husbands of evelyn hugo" billie smiles at the girl beside her, "i love that book, to bad it didn't have a happy ending" avery nods her head, pulling out the book from her bag.

"i have read it over five times, i just can't get enough, its so good. and you wanna know the worst part, i cry every time" the girls both start laughing, billie notices that it seems like avery likes to read if she had read it over five times, and she joined a book club.

"i didn't know you liked to read, thought you were more of the sporty type" avery smirks at the girl, before looking down at the book in her hands.

"my dad got me into reading, he showed me this alice in wonderland book when i was like 12 and after that i just found out i enjoyed it. of course it's not what people think i do, but that's only because they don't see me with a book, well except in english"

billie smiles at her, "your dad seems nice" he is, he is the nicest person avery know, the only person who doesn't compare her to anyone, the one and only who truly cares for her.

"he is" they exchange a smile, before burying their noses in their books again. billie smiles to herself as she feels accomplished. she came here all by herself, and did this. without finneas.

and she made a friend.

"hey, can i get your number?" for some weird reason billie wasn't so nervous anymore, she felt kinda safe with avery.

avery smiles, typing her number into billie's phone, making sure to send herself a text so she has her number as well.

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