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the teacher had decided that the class was going to go to the beach. to get to the beach the teacher wanted, they would have to sit on a train for around an hour.

which is where they sat right now. billie sat with avery, finneas and claudia in front of them. they were excited for the beach, less excited for all the people.

billie would gladly go to the beach, but she would rather go at nighttime with avery alone. then she wouldn't have to worry about people around her.

they were about 45 minutes into the train ride, billie had one of avery's hoodies on, her new bikini underneath. avery wore her new swimming shorts, a bikini top with a t-shirt over.

billie's head laid on top of avery's shoulder, her hand playing with avery's fingers. the couple shared airpods and the song "how - the neighborhood" was currently playing.

avery had a backpack with her, with two towels, some snacks, drinks and sunscreen. she could not have billie get a sunburn and complain about it the rest of the trip.

the time was fast to go by, and before they knew it they were out of the train, standing on a beach filled with people.

the couple walked with finneas and claudia to find a more private spot at the beach. they found one under a tree, with a good view of the water.

the water shone in the sun, and it was a pretty light blue color. avery and finneas lay down two towels for the four of them to sit on.

avery sits down on the towel, pulling out the sunscreen from her bag "come on baby, take your hoodie off, let me take sunscreen on you." avery pats the spot in front of her.

billie slips her hoodie over her head, laying it down on the towel. she didn't want sand in it, then it would be uncomfortable to wear after she got up from the water.

the smaller girl sits down in front of avery, feeling the cold sunscreen on avery's hands as she puts it on billie's skin.

avery puts the sunscreen on billie's back and shoulders, her arms and legs, her neck and some on her face.

when she's done, billie starts doing the same with her. putting the cold sunscreen all over avery's body. finneas and claudia had left to see if there was some good ice cream around here, which left the couple alone on the private spot.

billie finishes putting the sunscreen on her girlfriend, taking a seat in avery's lap after. the smaller girl starts to slowly grind on avery, her hands gripping her shoulders.

"god love, when are you not horny?" the taller girl whispers in billie's ear, her hands gripping billie's waist.

"not my fault you make me horny all the time" she rolls her eyes, but doesn't stop her movements. the shaft underneath her started to slowly grow underneath her.

"really baby? you wanna fuck on the beach? finneas and claudia could be back at any point, and there is people everywhere"

"what? are you scared?" billie teased, her hands traveling down to avery's abs. "i'm not scared, just didn't know you were into this public shit"

"but isn't the risk of getting caught kinda exciting?" the pink haired girl smiles, running her fingers up and down avery's abs.

"why? because they'll see how much of a slut you are for my dick?" a small whimper escaped billie's mouth, her head falling on her lover's chest.

"hm, maybe" avery was now fully hard underneath her, and it took everything in her not to push herself inside billie. but, she wanted to tease billie.

one of her hands gently stroked billie's hair, her hair was soft in her hands. the girl in her lap kept whimpering, her pussy was wetter than she thought it was, and she needed avery's attention down there.

but of course, before she could do anything more finneas and claudia came back. both of them had a disappointed look on their faces.

"we walked around the whole beach, and no one sold a single ice cream cone!" claudia huffs, billie's movements slowed down, but she didn't completely stop.

"anyways wanna go in the water?" finneas takes his arm around his girlfriend, gently rubbing her shoulder.

"nah, maybe later, billie doesn't feel so good" avery rests her head on top of billie's, her hand still stroking the pink haired girl's hair.

"okay, we'll be in the water if you need us" finneas smiles, leading his girlfriend down to the water.

billie let out a breath she didn't know she was holding, her small hand going down to avery's swimming shorts.

"i need you, please" billie whimpered, pulling avery's hard cock out of her shorts. "anyone could see us at any point angel"

"i don't give a shit, please, i need you" the smaller girl grabs avery's hand in her other hand, leading her hand down to her pussy.

avery felt billie's wetness, she was in fact very wet. it was almost as she could feel billie's second heartbeat. "can you feel how much i need you"

avery pulled her lover's underwear to the side, her finger sliding side to side in her folds. billie let's out a breathy moan, moving avery's cock to her entrance.

the taller girl took her hand away, billie's juices were all over them. "suck." billie happily sucked on the fingers, moaning at the taste of herself.

as she sucked on the fingers, billie slowly sank down on the dick. moaning around avery's fingers as she did so.

the fingers were released with a pop, and billie laid her head on avery's shoulder. her girlfriend's hands went on her waist, as she helped her ride her big cock.

her teeth sank into avery's shoulder, trying to keep quiet. the blue eyes rolled into the back of her head, a breathy moan was heard in her ear.

when she opened her eyes, she saw mika looking at them. she should feel embarrassed, but for some reason she doesn't.

billie keeps eye contact with the girl, moans coming out of her mouth. the fact that billie knew mika liked her girlfriend, and she was now watching billie and avery fuck turned her on much more.

she loved the fact that mika had told her she didn't have a chance with avery, and now the poor girl is watching billie live her dream.

billie's eyes rolled into the back of her head again, her hands gripping on the towel tighter.

when she opened her eyes again, mika was gone, a smirk on her lips appeared as she continued to ride her girlfriend's cock.

"hmm, fuck mommy i'm gonna cum"

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