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"good morning class, as today is monday, and i see that the administration forgot to tell everyone over the weekend i have to now." the teacher takes a deep breath.

"you have gotten the information before, when you started this school year. many of you might have forgot it, and since the administration forgot to remind you"

"tomorrow, we will go on a school trip with everyone in the same grade as you guys. we leave at 10 am, this sheet i give you now will have all the information you will need."

"we will stay in hotel rooms, where we have mixed people from every class" the teacher starts to hand out the papers, before going back to her spot.

"we've been on the look to see who is who, so everyone will with someone they know from before, or have talked to the last 10 days"

"room 38, casper smith and lucas miller"




"room 98, emily anderson and markus davis"




"room 113, jeramy williams and mal cooper"




"room 144, billie o'connell, and avery jackson" avery smiles to herself, quickly texting her girl. she was excited to be in a room with billie, mostly because she forgot about this trip, and she doesn't wanna be in a room with anyone else.

billie bear

did you hear that?

about the trip?

yes my love

we have the same rooommmmmm

i know baby


cutie, i miss youuu

i miss you too, i'm stuck in math, the trip seems fun though

it does honestly, but it's weird how we didn't have the information before as we're going tomorrow and we literally have to take a literal plane

baby, they told us the start of the year. they just forgot to remind us

ohh, that makes sense

it does stupid

i'll see you in lunch baby

i don't want this stinky ass food

me neither, so i might have some burritos in my backpack

and you didn't tell me?

you'd eat them before i got to school


see you at lunch love<3

see you at lunch baby<3

lunch is quick to roll by, and the couple are sitting in the library eating their burritos. they were both excited to go on the trip, billie sat on avery's lap in a chair in the corner of the room.

kisses were being shared, as they sat together eating. the couple couldn't be happier, both of them had fallen deeply in love with each other.

"where are we even going?" avery laughs, continuing to give her love multiple kisses. she didn't hear what the teacher said after the rooms were shared, and she got the information that she was in a room with billie.

"italy stupid" billie giggles, wrapping herself around her girl as she finished her burrito. avery's hands went on her waist, giving her a few kisses.

"didn't you hear what she said?" billie mumbles between more kisses, her hands playing with avery's baby hairs.

"no, i was too busy thinking about you" it might become a problem for everyone else except billie how avery only thinks about her girlfriend. only prioritizing being with her. mostly because she felt the happiest with her.

a faint blush appears on the smaller girl's cheeks, her lips traveling from avery's lips to her chin, and down to her neck.

billie finds avery's sweet spot, sucking slightly on it. avery's hands go from billie's waist, feeling the soft skin underneath her fingers as her hands meet her girlfriend's ass.

the pink haired girl starts to grind on her girlfriend, feeling her start to grow underneath her. she has been horny for so long, and she is tired of waiting.

she wanted avery. and she wanted her inside her. she wanted to feel how big she was, and how she would twitch inside her.

"baby i-" avery was cut off by the bell, which made both of the girls groan as they stood up and walked to class.

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