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"okay class, you have the rest of the day to yourself" their class had just been in a museum, which avery thought were much more fun than billie did.

but billie was excited to finally be alone with avery. not because she didn't like avery being with anyone else, it was more because she wanted dick.

"baby, can we go to the hotel room?" billie grips avery's arm tighter. avery on the other hand wanted to walk around the city with claudia and finneas, maybe find a good place to eat.

"love, i want to see the city but if you want to i can walk with you?" the shorter girl whines, rolling her eyes.

"no, i can come with you" students walk around them, claudia and finneas probably waiting for them somewhere.

"why do you wanna go to the room?" avery whispers close to her girlfriend, holding her tighter to her. avery didn't know what to think, or what the problem could be.

"i just want you okay?" billie whines again, looking up at avery with a frown on her face. a smirk appears on avery's face, leaning closer to her girl.

it was embarrassing for her to admit. mostly because they only had, had sex one time. but it was so good. and billie couldn't forget the way avery felt inside her.

"if you behave, i'll give you what you want later" billie's eyes winded, she always wanted that kind of relationship, and she had never discussed it with avery.

it wasn't something she had ever expected in real life. of course she had read about it, maybe avery had too?

she nodded her head slowly, looking down at the ground. avery's warm head lifted her chin up, so their eyes met again.

"use your words baby" billie took a deep breath, was she really about to say this in public? she had only said it a few times before, and now here she was. in the middle of the street in italy, about to call her girlfriend something she only had called her in the bedroom.

"how, how do you know i like that type of stuff?" billie whispers, looking up at her girlfriend. of course she liked it, she actually loved it, but how did avery know?

"i see it in you, every time i dominate you even if it's in a small setting you love it. so now be a good girl and answer my question, i don't like repeating myself"

"yes mommy, i'll behave," the smaller girl whispered, earning a proud smile from avery. "good girl" her soft lips met her forehead.

butterflies filled billie's stomach, and her face soon became hot, before billie could think any more about it she was dragged to her brother and his girlfriend.

they were leaning against a wall of a store, the store had some Italian name billie couldn't pronounce. but the store itself looked cool.

"took you guys long enough" claudia sighs, she wore a short blue crop top with some black loose jeans. finneas wore a loose t-shirt with some matching shorts.

"yeah sorry about that, should we shop first or eat first?" avery asks their friends, holding billie by her waist.

"i'm not really hungry so i was thinking about shopping" claudia looks at them, raising an eyebrow. billie couldn't wait to get to the hotel room. but shopping also sounded good.

"sounds good" billie smiles, the friend walks through the streets of roma. exploring some interesting stores, looking at the decor and the place itself.

it was very beautiful, the birds were singing, the trees were green, the flowers were tall and had bright colors.

they walked inside this clothing store, it was quite big. billie held avery's hand tightly as she led the way around the store.

she picked out a pair of jeans with butterflies on it, a pink crop top, and a new purple bikini.

avery picked out some new swimming shorts, two new hoodies, a new pair of shoes, and some normal shorts.

the taller girl paid for them, as they walked out the store. claudia and finneas were still inside, which left the couple outside alone.

avery was leaning into the window of the shop, billie resting on her chest. soft fingers slowly went through billie's hair, pulling slightly on it.

"can we go to the hotel room now?" the pink haired girl whispered, looking around the streets. the clock was about 5pm, and the sun was already starting to set.

"not yet baby, we're gonna stay here for some hours, unless claudia and finneas wanna go to the hotel room now, but i doubt that"

billie huffed, rolling her eyes without avery looking. before she could respond claudia and finneas walked out of the store, claudia with a big bag in her hand.

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