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"averyyyy" billie whines, wrapping her arms and legs around the taller girl. she knew what she wanted, and she was going to get it.

"billie, no." the smaller girl whines again, as she is being laid down on her bed by the blue haired girl.

"i am not kissing you until you say yes." billie huffs at being laid down on her bed, looking over at her girlfriend "i told you we could do it, and we will. can we just take a nap first?"

billie thought for a second, a nap did sound good. and she was gonna get what she wanted anyways.

"only if you promise me you'll get me takis." avery laughs, hovering over the girl. they got together yesterday and they're so comfortable around each other it feels amazing.

avery didn't like relationships because they were always awkward at some point. but with billie she was so comfortable, and so was billie.

"i promise love, i'm gonna buy you takis after we wake up from our nap" billie giggles as avery lays over her, their noses slightly touching.

"annnddd?" billie smiles, "and, i promise we're gonna dye our hair" billie's smile widens, her hands going around avery's shoulders.

"okay, you can kiss me now," billie whispers, closing her eyes softly. with a smile from the taller girl, their lips connect slowly.

avery's hands find billie's sides, holding her in place. as the kiss becomes more passionate, billie wraps her legs around her girlfriend. but avery stops it before it turns to something more.

"i'd love to do whatever you wanna do, but i really wanna get some sleep. so i'm willing to make you an offer"

billie raises an eyebrow, nodding her head after. she did not know what avery could have in mind, but if it was an offer she was willing to listen.

"we take a nap, and go to the store when we wake up to get hair dye and takis, and i'll fuck you after?" avery whispers the last part, looking billie in the eyes.

a faint blush appears on billie's cheeks, as she bites her lips softly. "and what do you get out of this?" she whispers back.

"i get to take a nap, make my girlfriend happy and fuck her after" the brunette smiles up at her girlfriend, "will it be soft or rough?"

"whatever my princess wants"

billie smirks, her hands going into avery's hair. "what if i want both?" avery kisses her lips softly, needing to feel her girlfriend. "then you'll get both baby"

the smaller girl's hands run through avery's hair, "hm, okay" they smile at each other before getting comfortable in billie's bed together, arms and legs wrapped around each other.

"i guess i'll just have to dream about you fucking me for now"


it was weird for avery to see how comfortable billie had gotten around her. in the start it was hard to make her talk, but now.

billie is so comfortable, and avery didn't know she would get so comfortable so fast. it was like billie and avery had known each other forever and didn't have a problem sharing everything.

but of course, neither of them cared. they loved being with each other and has had a crush on each other for some time now.

they still haven't told finneas or claudia, billie even told her parents not to tell them because she wanted to.

they were planning on doing it earlier that day, but slept away the whole day with the longest nap either of them had had in a while.

it's now 1:03am and the couple stole billie's parents' car, and are now driving it to the store. even though it was nighttime, the couple was still determined to do this.

since it was as late as it was, billie and avery had agreed to wait a little bit with their deal, but not too long.

billie was as happy as ever, and she couldn't wait to get her hands on the takis she has been craving since yesterday.

they enter the store hand in hand, the store is pretty empty. which isn't weird considering that the time is 1 am.

they get billie's takis, some drinks, and a lot of hair dye. they knew what they wanted to do. they talked about it in the car.

they were gonna do blond on the top, with purple or pink underneath. billie said she wanted the pink, so she is gonna have the pink and avery is gonna have the purple.

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