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"move in with your dad dude, just convince your mom or something. i'm sure he'd love to have you live with him"

claudia hugs avery's side, as she can't really hug her. they've been here for an hour now, and moved on the bed.

billie were glued to avery, arms and legs wrapped around avery's body, with her head on her shoulder.

"i've tried before, and she was just screaming at me. but maybe i can try again?" billie hums, "you should, i don't want you living here. and your dad is the best human on earth"

claudia really loved avery's dad, he had always cared for her. and she loved the ice cream he had. he was always so kind, and loving. "yeah, i'm gonna ask when she gets home" claudia nods, holding avery's hand tight.

"i can't believe you never told me" she whispered. "i- i could have helped" avery swallows hard, she didn't want help, some part of her thought she deserved when he did to her.

"i just didn't think i deserved help" avery whispers, in some way, it just didn't seem right. like she shouldn't want help, and she shouldn't need it.

"just, promise me. you will never hold something so big secret." the blue haired girl meets claudia's, tightening her grip on her hand.

"i promise" her best friend gives her a small smile. claudia wanted what was best for avery, and she knew getting out of here was the first step.

"and, promise me. you will move out whatever your mom says" avery looks down at billie, she doesn't know if she is asleep or if she is just listening. either way she looked adorable.

"i promise claudia"


"mom," avery sighs, her fists resting on the kitchen counter. she knew what she was gonna ask, even though it was scary. she knew she was gonna move anyways.

"what?" her mother turns around, putting the grocery bags beside avery. her mother had just come home, and she knew she had to ask before she talked to anyone else.

"c- can i move in with dad?" she was shaking. avery didn't know how her mother was gonna react, but she knew she would be living with her dads by tomorrow. she had already asked him.

"really avery, this again!?" her mother sighs heavily, her arms going into her hair. "why do you want to live with him?"

haha. funny.

"i want to live with him, he is my dad. i don't need to have a reason." avery had this. she wasn't gonna chicken out. she was gonna move out.

"but you have stephen?" this time, avery laughed. you have stephen. stupidest thing she had ever heard.

"i want to live with dad, and i'm not really asking you. i am going to, i am just telling you. i hate living in this house, and i can't take it anymore."

avery turns her back to her mother, she did it. with a small tear running down her cheek, she walks up to her room. where most of her things are packed.

the only thing she left behind was her desk and her bed. she happily sends a text to claudia, "i did it" before she sends one to billie, "i did it princess, can i come over later?"

she takes her backpack over her shoulder, and bag in the other. avery was very ready to leave this house behind, she didn't know if she would ever text her mom or see her again. but she didn't mind that either.

she walks down the messy halls of her now, old house. her mother is still in the kitchen, taking out groceries. "goodbye mom"

her mom doesn't respond, only looking at her with a faint smile. before turning back to her work. the blue haired girl sighs, walking out the door.

i'm so proud of you! and of course you can!!!

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