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avery leans back into the headboard, a smile on her lips. her hair was wet from the shower she just had, and she didn't expect billie's clothes to be this comfortable.

billie seemed more quite than usual, and avery noticed she was fidgeting a lot with her fingers. "billie, are you okay?"

the brunette takes a deep breath, her ticks acting up in her eyebrow. she ticks a lot in her sleep, but somehow she doesn't tick as much when avery is around.

"yeah, i just need to tell you something" billie takes another deep breath, her head snapping in the other direction.

avery's hand finds billie's, giving it a little squeeze. "it's okay princess, calm down" the smaller girl nods, taking a deep breath again.

"do you like me? like, more than a friend?"

avery was stuck back, should she just admit her feelings? but what if billie was gonna tell her she couldn't be with her?

avery just looks at billie, not sure what to say. the brunette takes another deep breath, looking avery dead in the eyes.

"because, i like you. more than a friend"

avery didn't know what to think, did Billie like her? as more than a friend? how, how could that happen? billie actually liked her back.

"i, i love you avery. and i, i want to be your girlfriend" billie continues to look at avery, looking for any type of reaction.

avery takes a deep breath, this was something she didn't expect at all. she never thought billie would like her, not like this. but the fact that she does made her stomach twist.

"i, i love you too" a smile appears on billie's lips, avery's hand goes under billie's chin, lifting her head up.

her lips softly brush against billie's lips, their eyes lock again before the brunette closes her eyes. avery closes her eyes, leaning more into billie.

their lips meet in a sweet kiss, billie's lips felt like soft pillows. avery thought she might die at this point, this didn't feel like any kiss she had had before. this was magical.

billie felt like she was gonna faint, this was all she ever wanted. and avery was such a good kisser. her hand goes on the back of avery's neck, bringing herself more into her.

avery's hand goes on billie's hip, bringing the smaller girl's body closer to hers. the brunette smiles into the kiss, taking her leg over avery's body.

avery's hand glides down from billie's hip, gliding down to her thigh. billie moans into the kiss as avery pushes her tongue in her mouth.

their tongues dance together, billie could never imagine this. she didn't think this would happen, ever. her crush likes her back.

oh who am i kidding, it's more than a crush. billie was deeply in love with avery.

"you're cute" avery whispers, giving billie another kiss. the brunette smiles into the small kiss she was given, laying her head on avery's chest after.

avery takes a deep breath, holding the other girl tightly in her arms. they laid on their sides, holding each other.

"i don't know how to do this love thing," the blue haired girl whispers, resting her chin on billie's head. it was quite hard for her to know how to do it, she had never seen it for a longer period of time.

"i can teach you?" billie looks up at the other girl, a small smile on her lips. she really wanted this to work, and she knew avery could do this.

"what if i break your heart? what if you break my heart?" avery raises an eyebrow at the smaller girl in her arms, which makes billie laugh in return.

"i know i won't, but either way it will be a good experience." billie flashes her a smile, kissing avery's chin.

"you know, becoming someone's girlfriend, it takes a lot of responsibility," the blue haired girl whispers to billie, kissing her forehead after.

"i'm ready for the responsibility, are you?" avery smirks at billie. "you know i am" their lips meet in a sweet kiss.

"do you wanna be my girlfriend, billie?"

"of course i do"

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