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since yesterday was a rainy day, the couple spent the day inside the hotel, watching movies and eating candy.

today was the last day in italy, and billie couldn't tell if she was happy about it or not. she loved being here, it was so beautiful and the food was delicious.

but at home she had her family, and she missed her bed more than any of them.

billie's eyes open softly, avery's sent filling her nose. she wraps her arms more around the girl, as she pressed a kiss against avery's neck.

maybe it was a little bit selfish of her, but all she wanted was to stay in bed with avery today. maybe claudia had some plan that she was gonna drag them to.

but all billie really wanted was to enjoy the day with avery alone. yes, she loves her brother and his girlfriend, but she needs some alone time with her girlfriend.

she knows claudia and avery have been best friends since day one, but billie was now avery's girlfriend. and she wanted to be prioritized too. and be alone with avery sometimes.

the smaller girl sighs, moving her body so she's laying right on top of avery. her face pressed against her neck, her legs laying on top of avery's, and her hands around avery's neck.

the motion woke avery up, she groaned a little at the pressure on top of her. of course she didn't mind, but she'd love to be able to breathe when she wakes up.

without saying a word, her hand finds her lover's hair, as she slowly starts to play with billie's hair. an approving moan coming from billie as she wraps her arms tighter around avery.


"how are you feeling baby?" avery takes an arm around billie, bringing them closer to each other.

billie had gotten her wish, the girls spent the whole day alone. walking down the streets of italy, eating good food, spending money on things they won't even use.

the whole day was just the girls having fun together, they shared a milkshake at the cat cafe, bought matching hoodies and shorts, until the sun started to go down and they found a pretty beach to watch the sunset.

there little to none people at the beach, and because of billie's huge fear of the ocean, there was no chance the girls would go skinny dipping.

well, they wouldn't go in the ocean for a long time...


"avery! i swear to god! what if a crab bites me?!" billie jumps on avery, her arms wrapping around her waist as she almost pushes the girl under water.

"billie you'll be fine, get off me! you're almost drowning me!" billie pushes avery's head under water, a scream coming out of her as she sees a fish swim past them.

a loud gasp comes from avery when her head finally comes up from the water. she coughs up water, finally catching her breath.

"billie, you're literally going to kill me." billie screams again when something wet and tingly touches her foot.

"oh my god billie! people are steering at you!"


"i'm good, today was fun, i really enjoyed it" billie sighs, resting her head on top of avery's shoulder. "i want more days like this," she mutters, watching the pretty colors in the sky.

"like what?" avery presses a kiss on billie's forehead, her hand going down to billie's waist. there was little to no wind in the air.

"where there is just me and you, and we can enjoy being teenagers and be a stupid couple. like i've always wanted to be that couple that does shit we do, like the corny couple shit.

where we watch the sunset, sunrise, share a milkshake, write our initials on a tree, get matching clothes, necklaces, and don't give a shit what other people think.

like that kind of couple everyone knows of, but knows nothing about. you know what i mean? like where we're just us, and enjoy our teenage years. together."

billie sighs, a smile on her lips. "yeah i know what you mean my love" avery presses a kiss against billie's forehead.

"i saw this jewelry shop down the street, how about we go there and get some necklaces?" they smile at each other, as billie turns her head.

their lips meet in a soft kiss, "mhm, i'd love that" billie mumbles into the kiss, kissing her girlfriend again.

the couple make their way over to the jewelry shop. the shop had all kinds of jewelry, necklaces, bracelets, rings, earrings, even those jewelry pieces you put around your foot.

billie got a necklace with the letter "A" while avery got one with the letter "B" both in silver. avery also bought them a bracelet with the ying yang symbol, billie getting the black piece while avery had the white one.

"i've never noticed it before, but you come after me in the alphabet"

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