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"mom! dad! i missed you guys!" billie drops her bags on the floor, her small feet running up to meet her parents in a group hug.

billie had just gotten home from italy, and was excited to see her family again. but most excited to sleep in her bed again.

just as they break apart, finneas enters through the door, billie watches as her parents and finneas hug. a small smile on her lips.

"god! tell us all about the trip!" the family sits down on the couch, both finneas and billie excitingly telling them about the trip.

they drink some warm chocolate, as they eat some burritos. she missed her family, and spending time with them.

billie talks about avery, telling them about how she almost drowned her, how much fun they had, and showed them the necklace and bracelet she had bought her.

after a while they decide on going to sleep for the night. which billie was more than happy to do.

billie takes her bags to her room, after being around so many people she couldn't wait to be alone. although she wouldn't mind if avery were here.

she shakes the thought away, taking off her clothes. the smaller girl changes into one of the hoodies she stole from avery, only wearing that with a thong underneath.

with a deep breath, she wraps the covers around her, hugging her stuffed animal thinking about avery before she falls asleep.


of course billie had to have a wet dream.

and of course it was so bad she couldn't go back to sleep. her pussy hurt from not being touched.

she quickly stands up to lock the door, jumping down on her bed again. she could watch porn? she could call avery and wake her up?

with a smirk on her lips she pulls out her phone, after putting her airpods in her ears.

was she tired? yes. but did she care? no.

the smaller girl starts recording herself, opening her legs, she turns the camera to her soaked pussy, her fingers playing with her thong.

she was gonna send avery a video, of herself masterbating in her hoodie.

she pulls the thong to the side, her fingers teasing her folds. billie's fingers moves her folds to the side, giving avery a good view of her pussy.

billie's fingers slowly enter her pussy, as she makes sure the angle is perfect. and because of her airpods, avery would be able to hear every small whine.

she continues to record herself for 15 minutes until she feels herself close to climax. this feeling was phenomenal, although she'd love for this to be avery's fingers. or tongue.

with a loud (but still silent) moan billie cums all over her fingers. coating them with her white sticky cum.

after some seconds, billie pulls her fingers out of her pussy. she brings her fingers to her mouth, the camera following.

her perfect lips wrapping around the two fingers she used, making sure to suck them good. the fingers are released with a 'pop' before she ends the video.

with a smile on her lips she presses avery's contact.


can't stop thinking about you mommy:(

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