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when you're reading this it's probably morning, i'm sorry i left without saying anything but you looked so peaceful when you slept<3 i would have stayed if i could:) hope you slept good, make sure to eat something good for breakfast, i'll see you at school my little dove<3


billie smiled at the note, she loved that avery left a kiss on the note. it made her smile even bigger. see you at school... avery wanted to talk to her at school.

i'm some way, that was weird for billie. she didn't think avery would want to talk to her in school, maybe she would be afraid to be seen with her? but she actually isn't. she wants to talk to her in school.

excitedly billie rushed to her closet, maybe one day she would have the confidence to wear a corset at school, but today was not the day.

the small girl pulled out a blue hoodie, with some loose black pants. maybe thought that since billie wore oversized clothing that she was fat, but that wasn't even close to true.

billie might look bigger in bigger clothes, only because of her ginormous boobs. her legs might look fat, or big. but that's really only because of her thick thighs, and fat ass.

if billie wore tight clothing you could see that billie had an hourglass shaped body. her whole body was perfect. yet she was still insecure and didn't want looks from boys when they found out what her body actually looked like.

after she got dressed, put some mascara on her lashes. finding some red lipstick on her forehead. a smile appeared on her lips, before she wiped it away. billie ran downstairs, smiling like she had never smiled before.

maggie and patrick left for work before finneas and billie woke up, so when the brunette got downstairs there were pancakes on the kitchen counter. happily, the girl takes a pancake with jam and start to eat it.

finneas had a ruff night yesterday, and wasn't as happy as his little sister. although he smiled seeing his sister happy in the kitchen.

she wasn't normally excited to go to school, not at all. sometimes it would be hard to even get her in the car, but here she is, happy. and ready for school.

"why are you so happy? it's 8am on a monday?" finneas grunts, taking a seat beside his sister. billie laughs at him, taking another pancake.

"when avery was here last night, we fell asleep right away. and she had to go, but she didn't wake me up. buutt she did leave me a note, and she wants to talk to me. at school!"

finneas smiles at his sister, taking a pancake on his plate. "i mean of course she wants to talk to you, you're her friend billie"

billie's smile grew, although she wanted to be more than just friends. and the thought didn't leave her mind for one second.

"can i see the note?" happily, billie pulled out the note she kept in her pocket, showing her big brother. he smiles as he reads the note, handing it back to her. "i'm glad you're happy billie" she smiles at him, folding the note, and placing it in her pocket.

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