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avery gives her sister lucy a fake smile, tilting her head to the side. around the dinner table, lucy is showing everyone (which means, avery, their mother, their step father and of course their little brother jack) her grades.

spoiler alert, she got all a's.

avery and lucy often comares grades and have their own competition between them on who gets the best grades. this year lucy won, avery had one b in science which made her lose. the competition wasn't for anything else than for fun, and trying to motivate each other in school. which is a good thing, it just sucks to lose.

"what about you avery sweetie? what have you been up to?" avery found the question stupid, she should know that avery spends her time at practesing basketball. but her mother doesn't notice her anymore, not with the baby and her new boyfriend.


her mom was so busy that she never noticed her anymore. avery shook her head, giving her a faint smile. "just playing basketball, oh and i signed up for a book club," her sister lucy snickers at avery.

"you? a book club!" her sister giggles, the blue haired rolls her eyes, taking more pasta into her mouth. she hated stephan, why was he even here? her father loved her mother more than anyone ever could, the love her father had for her mother was so strong. stronger than any love she had seen before.

but of course her mom had to find this jerk, ruin the whole family and break her fathers heart. her father lived down the street, and she went there pretty often, she loved her dad. he was always so caring, and he came every time avery played basketball.

"yeah, thought i'd try something new" her sister is still silently laughing at her, but at this point she doesn't really care. if it were up to her, she would take stormy, her cat, and move to her dad. but of course her mother won't allow it, for some reason avery doesn't understand. she doesn't notice her anyways.

"i think it will be good for you to finally read something" her mother smiles at her, avery wanted to scream, but she kept her face straight and the scream inside her. "i actually have been reading for a while now, i thought you noticed, i order books every other week, and i have a whole book shelf in my room"

at this point avery is just fed up with everything, how could her mom not know that she liked to read? finally read something, avery rolls her eyes, stuffing more pasta in her mouth. avery sees her mother raised brows, "what's the name of the book club?" her step father asks, a small smile on his lips.

"memento mori"

he raises his eyebrows, looking around the table. his brain is probly too stupid to understand that its not english. he looks at her mother, as she slihtly shakes her head. his gaze turns to lucy, but she shakes her head as well.

"its latin" avery sighs, sitting up in her chair. "it means remember you must die" he nods his head, raising one eyebrow. avery finds everyone around this table stupid, even her sister. the only reason she got all a's is because she cheats, and she slept with a teacher for an a.

"why would you wanna go to a book club that means remember you must die?" her mother asks, avery suddenly misses her dad. how he would sit here, and never question why she wanted to do something like this, he would never ask why she would go to a book club called memento mori, he would say "hey, call me if needed, im glad youre doing something you like!"

it was him that got her into basketball, he helped her with homework. while her mother, well she was more on the "why do you wanna play sports?" "thats not lady like" "be more like a girl"

her father was the first one to know that avery was gay, she told her mother a year later. he kept his promise and didn't say anything to her mother. if she told her mother a secret, someone would know the day after.

"just thought it was cool i guess?" avery stands up from the table, she's fed up with all of them. they would probably be a better family without her. "i'm going to dads" before anyone could respond, she's up in her room, taking out her favorite book the seven husbands of everly hugo in a bag.

she lifts stormy in her arms, placing her softly down in the bag, her head sticking up. avery carefully takes the bag on her shoulders. and before you know it, she's standing outside her fathers house.

she smiles at him as he opens the door, offering her ice cream.

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