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after billie told finneas everything that happened, she had a huge smile on her face. she was happy her new friend was a true one. she still hadn't texted her, but overall she felt happy.

finneas was also happy for her, he knew that billie needed more time socializing. she always sat in her room reading, she needed to go out. and if that was a book club, so be it.

the siblings walk downstairs together, joining their parents for dinner. mama maggie always made the best vegan food. it didn't taste like grass, it tasted like real food. how she did it was always a wonder to billie.

they take their seats at the table, their father patrick smiles as they take a seat at the table. he is happy his children always got so good together. they were best friends from the day billie was born. yes, they had their fights but they always hugged each other at the end.

"this looks really good, mom" finneas smiles, watching as his mother puts the food down on the table. maggie smiles at him, taking a seat beside patrick. billie was happy her mother and father were so in love as they are.

every time they look at each other, you can see how in love they are. their parents have always been deeply in love. they always had so much love, for each other and for their children.

billie takes a slice of vegan pizza, she loves her mama's food. she always made something good, and she loved cooking with her. they made dinner together every week, and billie loved every step of it. she learned so much, and she could spend her time with her mom.

she takes a bite of her pizza, the warmth filling her mouth. billie loved her family, they meant the world to her. they always cared for her, and she for them. she could tell them everything, and she would often rant about her books at dinner. but this time, she actually have something else to talk about.

"i made a new friend yesterday" her mother looked up at her, her eyebrows raised high. she honestly didn't think billie would make another friend. she isn't a social person, and she doesn't talk much. her mother was happy for her, she was also very proud.

"you did? that's good, what's their name?" billie smiles at her mother, she was excited to talk about her new friend. she was excited to talk about something, although she loved talking about books.

"i did. her name is avery, and she is a girl. we meet through the book club, we both had read the book for the week, so we went to sit in the corner of the library. and we talked and read together for like two hours! and then after when we were about to walk out, my ticks started to act up. and this one girl started to make fun of me, but avery stuck up for me! and she hugged me after and told me she didn't care about my tourette's!"

billie told them with excitement, finneas who already had heard the story smiles at her. maggie and patrick look at each other, smiling before looking at billie again.

"you were social for two hours?" that was a surprise for patrick, she was always social and talkative around her family, but not around anyone else except zoe or drew of course. billie nodded her head, a huge smile on her face.

"i even asked for her number!" maggie and patrick smiled proudly at her. billie was talkative before, but first in 4th grade when someone made fun of her tourettes she became quiet. she didn't want to talk to someone who would make fun of her.

she was also very afraid people would become friends with her, and then she would get unfriended just because of something she can't control. she always thought it was stupid how they would judge her before they even knew her.

"oh also, i have a girlfriend" finneas interrupted, billie obviously knew. billie was the first one he told, they were best friends after all. it was some girl named claudia, the same age as her.

"you guys should invite them both for dinner tomorrow," maggie smiled.

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