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"claudia i don't fucking like her" avery whispers over the phone with her best friend, rolling her green eyes.

"you so do, you guys are all up on each other, and i've never seen a girl on your lap! and you laid between her thighs!" claudia was determined. she was going to make avery admit her feelings.

"i don't like her!" avery puts the phone down on her desk, taking her rings off her fingers. "you so do you, stop denying it!"

claudia rolls her eyes at her friend, it was so obvious that avery liked billie. and claudia knew avery more than anyone, she knew that she liked billie, even if she didn't realize it herself.

"i don't like her" avery sighs, looking at the phone. claudia has a smirk on her lips, "think about it, are you really sure? who isn't attracted to a pretty girl like billie?"

avery rolls her eyes, looking away from the phone. she hears screaming coming from the kitchen, hoping claudia doesn't hear it.

avery's head snaps in the direction of her door. "i have to go" claudia raises an eyebrow, "everything okay?"

as avery's eyes meet claudia's though the screen, avery gives her a nod. "yeah, just my aunt came so i have to go" claudia nods, not sure what to believe.

"text me okay" the blue haired girl nods, as she hangs up the phone. she doesn't want anyone to know what's happening at home, she finds it embarrassing.

and she surely hopes that billie doesn't want to come home to her. or meet her family.

a loud bang comes from the kitchen, avery wonders if she should go downstairs. just to see what the actual fuck is going on.

as another loud bang fills her ears, she quickly stands up. the screaming filling her ears as she ran downstairs.

"you know it was your turn!"

"you fucking know it wasn't my turn you bitch!"

"oh yeah really?! it was your fucking turn!"

the screams fill avery's ears, her step father stephen picks up another empty glass bottle, throwing it across the room.

the glass shatters across the living room, along with some more glass. she didn't even know what they were fighting about, but she knew it was some bullshit.

"you're such a fucking slut! you're a woman for fucks sake. you know what you're good for? cleaning, cooking, and pleasing me!"

"you're a bitch you know that, you fucking asshole. you do not control me!"

"i so do control you! you fucking bitch! and you know you fucking love it! you even left everything behind just to stay with me, you so fucking love being controlled"

"oh so maybe i do! don't fucking yell at me!"

"you yelled first!"

"because you're an ass!"

"so maybe i should just go and rape your daughters?! would you like that!? who am i kidding, of course you wouldn't mind!"

"i don't give a shit what you do to them! don't fucking yell at me!"

"so you can yell and i can't!"


"i am gonna yell at you if i want to! don't tell me what to do before i rape everyone in this house!"

"can you guys calm down! you have fucking kids in this house!" both of their heads turn to avery, stephen clenches his fist.

"you can never shut up, can you?!" stephen grabs another glass bottle, holding it up in the air. why couldn't her mother just do something?

"me never shut up!? you guys were screaming just a second ago!" stephen throws the glass bottle in avery's direction, hitting the wall beside her. lucky she's quick to jump away.

"stop throwing things for fucks sake! just talk it out like normal people and don't throw shit!" her mothers face is pure anger.

"get the fuck out! i don't wanna see you in this house until tomorrow! you got five minutes! i am so fucking tired of you ruining every fucking thing in this family!" her mother is screaming. she knows what will happen if she stays, fuck these people.

quickly, she runs upstairs. is quick to grab her bag, placing her cat, book, and a water bottle inside. throwing a hoodie over her head, she runs downstairs again.

"you guys need professional help!" she yells before leaving the house. she was only trying to help for fucks sake! she knew jack and lucy were crying, they always cried when their parents fought.

avery walks down the street, the rain hitting her softly. at least she brought her cat with her. her backpack was luckily waterproof, so stormy is safe in there. she's quick to take her phone up, pressing on her fathers contact.

"hey sweetheart, i can't really talk right now. you know how i told you my friend got me tickets to a show in las vegas! we're in the airport right now!"

"oh, that's great dad, have fun!"

"i will sugar"

with that the phone call ended, a cry left avery's lips. what was she gonna do now? if she went to claudia's, she knew she would she to explain herself.

without even realizing, she pressed on billie's contact, and called her.


"hi princess, are you home?"

"yeah, why?"

"i just went on a walk, and the rain is really getting heavy, so maybe i can sleep over at your house? it's closer than mine"

"yeah of course, can't wait to see you!"

"can't wait to see you either dove"

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