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after shopping for 4 hours, and eating after. the couple finally approached their shared hotel room. billie enjoyed it, yes. but she couldn't wait to have avery inside her again.

the room looked cleaner than they thought, but they were glad it was as clean as it was. billie didn't know what she would do if she needed to wait until they cleaned the room.

the girl was so horny, not only had she been teased all day. by avery putting her on her lap, pressing her down on her cock. averys fingers toying with her clit, and the make out session they had when claudia went to the bathroom and finneas ordered food.

billie puts some bags down on the floor, kicking off her shoes after. she was so horny it hurt. she couldn't wait to have something inside her, at this point it didn't matter what it was.

avery put the rest of the bags down on the floor, gently taking her shoes off. unlike her girlfriend, she wasn't in a hurry. she wanted to see how impatient billie would get over time.

with avery walking into the bathroom, billie pulled the curtains over the window and started to undress. her clothes slid easily off, as she folded her clothes after.

when avery walked into the bedroom again, she was met by her naked girlfriend. her long legs, her thick thighs, all she could ever want.

their eyes met, and a smirk formed on billie's lips. before avery could say anything, the smaller girl sank down on her knees.

this was something avery never imagined billie doing, although she did not complain at all. after a stressful day, she wanted nothing more than billie's soft lips wrapped around her.

billies small hands untied avery's belt, pulling her pants and black boxers down. the cold air hit avery's cock, as she was already half hard by the sight of her girlfriend naked.

the couple didn't say anything to each other, as billie softly kissed the pink head. her tongue slowly slid up and down on avery's shaft, making her fully hard.

avery groaned when billie's hand started to jerk her off, her soft lips sucking on the cocks head. billie sucked the head like she would suck a lollipop.

after all, she did love to suck things.

a strong hand gripped billie's hair, making her take avery deeper inside her mouth. the tiny girl could feel avery's tip touch the back of her throat.

it felt so big inside her mouth, but after all she loved the pressure in her mouth. billie's hands grips avery's thighs, taking avery deeper inside her mouth.

saliva spills out of her mouth, some spilling on the carpet. she could feel herself getting wetter and wetter every time she sucked on the big cock in her mouth.

avery moaned, gripping billie's hair tighter as she continues to fuck billie's throat. she could feel herself close to cumming, her eyes rolling into the back of her head.

billie moans around the cock in her mouth, causing avery's orgasm to hit. and before billie knew it was salty, sticky cum was shot down her throat.

the taller girl grips her hair tighter as she cums, moaning at the feeling. billie eagerly licks up all the cum, making sure to swallow every last drop.

"good girl" avery's fingers strokes her hair, as she pulls out her still hard cock out of her lover's mouth. a blush appears on the pink haired girl's face at the praise, standing up in front of her girlfriend.

"hm, my good girl, isn't that right?" avery grips billie's waist. their lips so close, so close billie could feel avery's breath on her lips, but not close enough to touch.

"yes mommy, that's right," billie whispers, taking her arms around the taller girl's neck. their lips met in a soft kiss, avery could taste herself on billie's tongue.

the wetness in billie's underwear was now almost unbearable. she needed avery inside her. and she needed her now.

"can you make love to me now mommy? i've been good today" avery hums, cupping her girlfriend's bare ass in her hands.

"you want me to make love to you? to be gentle?" billie nods her head softly, kissing her girlfriend's neck.

"pretty please?" how could avery say no to that? especially with that look on billie's face. her eyes sparkled and she had a little pout on her lips.

"get on the bed love" billie was quick to follow the order, laying her back against the mattress while she waited for her girlfriend.

avery was quick to undress, not wanting to leave billie waiting for long. she had been good the whole day, so unless billie decided to change her mind on being good, avery would give her what she wanted.

avery softly climbs over to billie, both of them naked. their lips met in a sweet kiss, as billie's hands were quick to find avery's shaft.

the taller girl moaned into the kiss when billie gave it a squeeze. she lined the head to her wet cunt, moaning as she felt the hard cock against her wet pussy.

"let me do it love, let me take care of you," avery whispers, giving her another sweet kiss before lifting billie's hands over her head.

avery intertwines their fingers, looking billie directly in the eyes as she slowly enters her. billie's eyes rolled into the back of her head as she could no longer keep eye contact.

avery starts to slowly go in and out of her lover, keeping it slow and sweet as her girlfriend wanted. billie moans as avery's cock hits a certain spot inside her.

seeing the reaction billie gave, avery kept hitting that spot. her phase was slow but hard, making the girl underneath her moan loudly with every thrust.

billie's face felt like it was on fire, her hands tightly gripped on to avery's. her mouth hung wide open, her eyes in the back of her head.

"oh god-" she cut herself off with a moan, she could already tell that she was close to cumming. the knot in her stomach is already forming.

avery could feel herself close too, with billie's pussy wrapped tightly around her it was hard not to cum just as she entered.

"mommy- i'm gonna cum!-" billie moans, her back arching. sex with avery was better than any sex with anyone she ever had had it with.

"me too princess, come on, cum for me" her eyes rolled into the back of her head, her mouth hung wide open as she came all over avery's cock.

her orgasm triggered avery's, and soon avery's cum filled billie's stomach. as they both collapsed on the bed after they both came.

and not long after both of them cuddled and fell asleep.

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