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avery lays on billie's lap as billie is reading out loud. they've done this for a while, and billie is almost finished with the book "ugly love - colleen hoover" avery feels a tear slip out of her eyes, rolling down her cheek.

as more tears start to form in avery's eyes she buries her head in billie's hoodie. billie finishes the book, drying a tear that's on her cheek. the book is placed on billie's nightstand.

the smaller girl smiles, holding avery in her arms. "it's okay," billie whispers, gliding her nails through the other girl's hair.

avery sniffs, her arms tightening around billie. "they deserved so much, and then- then" avery cuts herself off with a sob, who knew avery could be so, sad.

that was a new thing for billie, she could never imagine avery crying, or being sad. avery was always so happy, but here she is, crying in her arms.

they stay silent for a second, holding each other.


"do you think they'll be good?" billie smiles putting the cinnamon rolls in the oven. after having a crying session together, they decided they should make something to eat, since they were both pretty hungry.

and after a while, they decided to make cinnamon rolls. billie was very happy about this, she loved vegan cinnamon rolls.

"of course they will, i made them" the brunette smiles cockily, she felt very comfortable around avery. maybe a little too comfortable.

"so cocky" avery absolutely adores billie, she finds the tiny girl so cute. she just wanna kis- hug her. hold billie tight.

avery leans into the counter, her palms resting on the counter. she loved billie's house, it was small and cozy. and it actually felt like home.

"do you want a lollipop?" billie pulls out two lollipops, handing avery one. she gladly accepts, unwrapping the lollipop.

it was a blue raspberry lollipop, which was avery's favorite kind. "you gave me my favorite," she smiles at billie, twisting the lollipop around her tongue.

"it's my favorite too" billie walks up to avery, she is so short. the top of billie's head reaches avery's tits, which billie really didn't mind.

"you're so short, like a cute little minion" the blue haired girl pats billie's head, as the girl gives her an angry expression.

"so cute" she pinches billie's cheek, like an old grandma. billie slaps her hand away, looking at her angrily.

"i am not that short" she rolls her eyes, meeting avery's eyes after. a smirk on the taller girls lips. "for sure princess"

"whatever" billie sucks on her lollipop, the sweet taste filling her mouth. she loved lollipops. maybe a little too much.

"wanna know a random fact?" billie smiles at avery, seeing as the girl raises an eyebrow. but nods her head.

"i love sucking on things," billie says, sucking her lollipop right after. avery smiles at her, "doesn't matter what?" the brunette is fast to shake her head.

"don't know what it is, just like the feeling" she smiles innocently, what billie told her wasn't false. in a matter of fact, it was very true.

since she was a kid, she was always sucking on things. she loved the pressure in her mouth, feeling something hard and big in her mouth.

avery smirks to herself, her hand finds billie's chin. "so if i pulled my dick out, you'd suck it with pleasure?" she whispers in the other girls ear.

billie's eyes widened, her breath hitching in her throat. her eyes meet avery's, seeing that the taller girl is smirking at her.

"i- i mean yeah" she couldn't speak, it was like avery had this affect on her, that made her knees weaken. oh god, how much she wanted to suck avery's cock.

"billie!" her brother screams from the living room, he had just picked up claudia, because he knew billie and avery were here.

"in the kitchen!" avery answered for billie, seeing that she could barely speak. her brother and his girlfriend walks into the kitchen, claudia smirking at both of them.

"sweet, you guys made food!"

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