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"i knew that hoodie would look great on you" avery smiles as billie walks into the kitchen. maggie had made oatmeal the day before, so avery and finneas sat down on the kitchen table eating oatmeal.

billie returns the smile, taking the bowl of oatmeal that's for her. oatmeal was one of her favorite things to have for breakfast.

she takes a seat beside avery, as they continue to eat their breakfast in peace. finneas keeps glancing at the girls, a small smirk on his lips.

as they eat their breakfast in silence, all of them are quick to finish their food. they walk out of the house, locking the door, and got in finneas's car. with billie in the front seat, finneas in the drivers seat and avery in the back.

the smaller girl couldn't stop thinking about what avery said. she, she was in love with avery. and avery was in love with her.

avery jackson is in love. with billie.

and billie, is in love with avery.

only, avery didn't know that billie had feelings for her. but, billie knew avery had feelings for her. maybe she should just ask her out? kiss her? shit she didn't even know what to do.

the car parks in the school parking lot. with a sigh, billie steps out of the car. "have a good day at school billie!" finneas waves as he walks to his class, "you too!" billie screams after him as he walks into the school building.

avery appears at billie's side, as they walk in together. she has feelings for you, she has feelings for you. billie grabbed her hand, saying "she has feelings for you" many times inside her.

avery gladly grabs the smaller girl's hand, intertwining their fingers. small butterflies appear in billie's stomach as they walk inside.

"what's your first class?" the blue haired girl asks, as they walk inside. "math, you?" avery almost didn't remember what class she had.

"music, yeah music" billie giggles, holding avery's hand to their lockers. they were pretty close to each other, before they knew each other billie would always look over at avery when she was at her locker.

"i'll see you at lunch" avery smiles as she grabs all of her books. which were her music history book, math book and science.

"yeah, i'll see you at lunch," the brunette smiles back, watching as avery walks off. maybe she should tell avery after school?

she shook her head, taking her math books out. she wasn't excited for this class, at all. it was one of the most boring classes.

"you should really back off" her head snaps in the direction of the voice. holding her math books in both hands billie raises an eyebrow.

"just, you have no chance with her. she's clearly not interested in you." mika smirks, looking in the direction avery walked off.

"um, what?" billie raises an eyebrow, gripping her math books. she knew she had a chance. avery had fucking feelings for her. right?

"you're just a little toy for her, i mean look at this" mika pulls out her phone, it's a video of her legs shaking. her legs were shaking like crazy.

"i don't have a chance with avery, because your legs are shaking?" billie turns her head to her side, looking mika up and down.

"no, dumbass. that's my legs after she fucked me. and you have no chance, because she's literally crazy about my pussy" mika snickers.

"weren't you that one with that dry pussy? like drier than sahara?" mika kisses her teeth, walking closer to billie.

"shut up, ticking girl, avery doesn't like you. you're just a toy for her" this time, billie doesn't raise one eyebrow, but two.

"and when was the last time she fucked you?" mika smirks at billie, putting her phone in her pocket. "well, it was some weeks ago, but not that long ago"

"okay, good for you" billie tries to walk off, but mika grabs her arm, looking billie dead in the eyes.

"she doesn't like you billie, just realize it. you're just a dumb little girl" mika smirks, walking off like she just won an oscar.

this girl is so stupid.

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