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"no baby, i want that hoodie" billie whines, grabbing the blue hoodie out of her girlfriend's hands. they were over at avery's dad's house, packing avery's things for the trip.

which mostly resulted in billie stealing avery's clothes.

"darling, i need clothes too" avery rolls her eyes. she takes another hoodie, this time a black one, putting it in her suitcase.

billie had taken almost every piece of clothing avery had pulled out, saying she would need some clothes to pack too. even though the girl had a lot of clothes herself.

"but you do need to remember that we're going to italy baby, you can't wear warm clothes all the time" billie rolls her eyes, taking the blue hoodie over her head.

"i am not only packing your hoodies, avery. i'm just taking them for when i need them" she tells her girlfriend like it's obvious, pulling the hoodie completely on.

"and when would you need them?" avery stands up after she finishes packing, walking up to her girl. billie smiles innocently.

"for when we're not together and i miss you stupid" the purple haired girl raises an eyebrow, her hands holding billie's waist tightly.

"oh really?" billie only responds with a smile, her arms wrapping around avery's neck. their lips met in a soft kiss.

billie was excited to meet avery's dad, he was still at work, but when he got home she would finally meet the wonderful man avery keeps talking about.

and avery's room at her dads is quite perfect. she has guitars on the wall, posters of basketball players, a queen sized bed, a huge closet and all kinds of candy.

her new room was so much better than the one she had at her moms house. and billie was so happy that her now girlfriend was out of that house.

"come on, i think my dad is home" they give each other small kisses before pulling apart. "do you think he'll like me?"

avery smiles down at her girlfriend, her lips meeting her forehead softly. "of course he'll love you, you're so perfect and wonderful, he'll love everything about you"

a smile finds the smaller girl's lips, a small nod coming after. they walk downstairs together, hand in hand.

billie were super nervous about meeting avery's dad, what if he didn't like her? what if he thought billie wasn't good enough for his daughter?

when they reach the kitchen, they're met by a tall man. he wore a t-shirt with some loose black sweatpants.

his hair was brown, and curly. he had avery's name tattooed on his forearm, his eyes were green like grass, he had strong arms, a beard, and fast food in his hands.

"hey sweetheart" he smiles at avery, he knew billie was vegan, and since he didn't know how to cook vegan meals he had ordered fast food.

"you must be billie" he smiles at billie, putting the food down on the kitchen counter. "it's nice finally meeting the girl who took my little girl's heart"

he smiles, taking out some plates from the cabinet. before billie can say anything, he speaks again. "my name is aaron"

"it's nice finally meeting you aaron, i've heard many good things" billie smiles, aaron takes out three cups from the cabinet.

"i've also heard a lot about you, it seems like avery can't stop talking about you" he smiles at them, "dad!" avery kisses her teeth, looking at her father.

"oh shut up avery, it's not a surprise that you can't stop talking about her, i mean, look at her, she looks like an angel, you got a girl that's straight from heaven right there"

he points his finger at billie, causing her cheeks to redden. billie looks down at the floor, softly biting her lips.

"are you hungry?" aaron asks billie, a smile on his lips. avery was right, he is the nicest guy on the planet.

"oh yeah, but i am-" "you're vegan i know, that's why i ordered vegan food" he cuts billie off, smiling at both of them.

billie smiles back at him, "that's really nice of you" he smiles back, putting the food out of the bags. "oh it was nothing, i guess i'll have to learn how to make vegan food now"

avery leads billie to the table, sitting beside her. "oh you really don't have" billie smiles as he puts the food on the table. it looked really good.

"i want to, i think it'll be a good thing for me to learn new stuff" after everything is put down on the table, he sits down across from them.

"i actually cook a lot with my mom, so if you want to i can show you some easy recipes and how to the basic stuff"

they smile at each other, taking food on their plates. "that would be really nice of you billie, id appreciate that a lot"

he looks over at avery, the most serious look on his face. "take care of her, she's a real one" he points his fork at avery.

she chuckles, squeezing billie's hand. "that's the plan, i need to take care of my angel right?"

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