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billie finds the nervousness start to fill her again, she knew that if it doesn't go well this time, she won't have to go back, but she couldn't help but feel the stress peak around her body "you'll pick me up if i call or text you right?" she asks nervously, looking out the window, watching as the cars drive past.

finneas nods his head with a smile, "you'll be fine billie, if you want me to i can wait ten minutes before i drive home?" the smaller girl can tell he means what he says, but she knew that if she made him stay she would feel worse.

"no, it's okay" billie turns to look at him as he drives the car to school. she knew she could do this, she's 17 for fucks sake, she could do this. billie takes a deep breath, as finneas pulls up to the school building.

she could do this, this is something she can, something she likes. maybe this could even make her new friends. she really hoped so, then she could have someone to talk about her books to, about how her love for fictional men is so strong, but she could never love a man in real life.

about how she would die for a boyfriend like aaron warner, rhysand, adam carlson and aaron blackford. how the seven husbands of everly hugo broke her, and that she might love that book way too much, about how much she wants a relationship like nick and charlie.

finneas parks his car, looking at billie with a smile. "you know where it is right?" she nods her head at him, it was in the library, where else would it be? she just hopes they talk about books she knows about, or maybe they just get a book, and share their thoughts?

"call me when you need me to pick you up, okay?" her brother was always so caring, "i will, love you" the brunette opens the car door, her feet soon landing on the hard ground. "love you too" billie smiles at her brother before she closes the car door, watching as he drives away.

shes on her own now, she could do this.

with a deep breath, billie starts to make her way to the library. the school looked empty, way too empty. she had never seen the school this way, not without hundreds of students around, yelling, running or being a bitch.

billie thought everyone here was a bitch, they were too fed up with themselfs to see that their actions affect other people too. they think the whole word, and that everything is about them. how they would think all their bullshit thoughts about everyone else while looking like a plastic bottle themselfs.

when she reaches the library, the door is closed. but she heard voices inside, so there are definitely people here. it takes a minute for her to collect herself, and with a sigh she opens the door.

she saw seven people, and she only recognized one of them. avery. what is she doing here? is she gonna make fun of me? billie's thoughts were loud, but then. avery smiled at her, billie couldn't get her eyes off avery. what could a basketball player do in a book club?

"come in" it was a blond girl speaking, her hair in a high ponytail. billie closed the door behind her, the brunette made her way to the only empty seat, across from avery.

"good to see everyone here, how about we learn each other's names first?" it was the same girl speaking. she seemed like a smiley person. with a sigh, and smile she spoke again. "well, my name is chloe"

chloe looked at a girl to her left, signing for her to continue. "mal" half of mal's hair was brown, the other half blond. billie smiled to mal, she liked the hair combination, and it looked good on her.

the girl next to mal spoke, billie knew she had seen her at school somewhere. "my name is mika" the girls name reminded billie of milk, although the girl looked nothing like milk.

"my name is atlas" billie smiled to herself, remembering a book she read. the white boy had short brown hair, it was curly. it looked nice on him.

next to him sat avery, she gave everyone a faint smile before introducing herself. billie could never understand how avery was so pretty, she didn't have to do shit and she would still look like a goddess.

billie was so caught up with avery, that she didn't notice it was her turn until everyone looked at her. a faint blush appeared on her cheeks, as she looked down to the ground. she felt very embarrassed, but knew if she said it too late it would be even more embarrassing.

"my name is billie" she mumbles, still while looking at the floor. "okay good now we know everyones name, has anyone read november 9th?" billie had, it was a good book, but not her favorite.

"i have" billie looks up from the floor, her and avery had spoken at the same time. it was weird for her how avery read books, she never imagined avery reading a book.

chloe smiles at billie, "okay that's good, it was actually this week's book. so you guys won't have to read it again. but of course you can if you want" billie didn't have an intrest in reading it again, yes it were good but she thought ben was stupid. how could a guy be so stupid?

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