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"how's your aunt?" claudia asks, as billie and finneas leave the room. they had just finished eating the cinnamon rolls, and were now sitting on the couch.

"good i guess? why?" avery leans back into the couch, raising an eyebrow at her friend. "you had to hang up because she came, so i guess i'm just curious"

"yeah, right" avery almost forgot the lie she told claudia, but she gave her friend a small smile. "she's good, she just wanted to talk to my mom"

claudia nods, scooting closer over to avery. "me and finneas had sex last night" she whispered close to avery's ear, scared the siblings will come in the living room.

"how was it?" avery smirks, claudia remembers last night. a faint blush on her cheeks. "it was so good, and those fingers can work magic!" she whisper yells.

they always told each other everything, well mostly everything. they always had, there was only one secret between them, which avery wanted to keep secret. other than that, they told each other everything.

"and dude, he wasn't that big, but he was so good at it. like i've never had an orgasm like that" claudia whispers, before she can share more about last night, billie and finneas walks into the room. "tell me more later," avery whispers.

they both look up at billie and finneas, who looks confused. billie shrugs, walking up to avery, placing her ass on her lap. the tiny arms wrap around her neck, her legs on either side of avery's body.

"he's so mean" billie says loud enough for everyone to hear, but buries her head in avery's neck. he hadn't done anything mean to billie, other than telling her she shouldn't skip school.

but, this gave her an excuse to sit on avery's lap.

"how is he mean princess?" avery's arms wrap around the tiny girls waist. she could feel the smirk on claudia's face.

"he's just mean, protect me" billie tightens her arms around avery, breathing into the other girl's neck. "protect you? dove, i'm sure he isn't gonna kill you"

"but you never know, and you're strong. keep me safe avery" there was something about the way billie said her name that made her stomach fill with butterflies.

"if you say so" a hand goes into the brunette's hair, stroking it softly. finneas laughs, taking a seat beside his girlfriend, giving her a small kiss.

"finneas what did you do to my baby?" avery turns to him fake angry, making him burst out laughing. billie's cheeks go bright red, even though no one could see it. my baby.

the idea of being avery's baby fills her head, oh how much she wanted to be avery's baby. maybe one day. shit she didn't even know if avery liked her back.

"just told her not to skip school, she's just being dramatic" avery laughs with finneas, holding billie tightly in her arms.

"who doesn't love a dramatic baby?"


"no, she just called me and asked if she could stay over at my house. something about that she was on a walk and it was raining, why?"

billie got comfortable on her bed, her and claudia had decided they should have some time together as avery went home and finneas went to work. he works at starbucks just for some easy money, which he enjoys.

"no because i was on the phone with her, and there was some voices in the background and then she told me she had to hang up, and that her aunt came"

claudia realized something wasn't adding up, and she did realize that avery doesn't have an aunt on her mothers side.

so, when her and billie started talking. she soon went on and talked about avery, both how good she is at everything. she wants billie and avery to admit the feelings they have for each other, because it's very obvious they both have them.

"why would avery lie about something like that?" billie raised an eyebrow, hugging on avery's hoodie, which she had "forgotten" at billie's place.

"billie, i'm going to tell you something. but you can't tell anyone, not even finneas" billie nods, looking over at claudia.

"i think avery lives in an abusing household"

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