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billie couldn't help but think about what mika had told her. you're just a toy, she doesn't like you. but at the same time, she knew how mika could be.

maybe she was just jealous?

or maybe she was right?

what if avery didn't like her?

but then again, she literally told billie when she thought she was asleep. the brunette shakes her head, walking into the cafeteria.

she walks up to the table avery sits at, but she stops her tracks when the table is full. there were so many people, and not a single empty seat.

she would turn around, and go to the library. but avery sees her before she can do so, she makes a come here motion with her finger. signing for billie to come to her.

with a sigh, she starts to make her way over to avery. she wasn't excited to be around all these people, but avery was there. so it is okay.

avery pats her lap to billie, she liked having billie on her lap. being able to wrap her arms around the girl, and hold her made her feel good about herself.

the brunette sits down on avery's lap, as avery's arms are quick to wrap around her waist. billie loved sitting in her lap, it made her feel safe when avery held her.

billie leans into avery, laying the back of her head on the other girl's shoulder. "are you okay? you seem off" avery whispers only for billie to hear.

"just, a lot of people," billie muttered, taking a deep breath. mika had already told them she was "the ticking girl" who knew what they said behind her back?

"how about we go outside? or in the library? or we could go get some food?" billie nods her head, she just needed to get out of here.

before billie could move, avery lifted her up, holding her like a koala. the blush is quick to find billie's cheeks as avery walks away with her in her arms.

as they walk out of the cafeteria, billie catches mika's eyes on her. she looks like she wants to kill billie, or worse.

"so princess, are you hungry?" the door to the cafeteria closes, billie never ate the cafeteria food. just because she found it gross, and she never knew where it came from, or what was in it.

"a little yeah" she grips avery tighter, she knew avery was strong, but she didn't know she could carry her for so long.

not that she's heavy, the girl is the opposite actually. but no one has carried her for so long before.

"okay, how about i take you to the store across the street, and we can sit outside and eat?" they had quite a long lunch break, so time wouldn't really be a problem.

"sounds good to me," avery nods her head, as she continues to carry billie out of the school building. she didn't know why there were so many people at the table today, but she was with billie now. and that's all that mattered.

they walked across the street, the sun was bright today. there were some students outside, but not so many. most of them were either in the cafeteria or in the bathroom smoking.

first when they enter the store, avery puts billie down. but stops her before she walks inside. "get whatever you want, and i'll pay"

billie shook her head, "i can pay myself, avery, you don't have to" avery smiles at the girl, her hand stroking her cheek.

"it wasn't a question, i'll pay" she smirks before walking inside. billie stands there for a second, before she takes a deep breath, walking inside the store with avery.

she grips avery's hand, intertwining their fingers. they walk around the store together, picking out chips and drinks.

avery pays, and they find a spot under a tree. they sit there, talking and laughing together.

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