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billie sighs as she wakes up to arms wrapped around her, holding her tight. almost as if avery were afraid to lose her.

she found this cuter than she should have. avery's head was buried in the crook of her neck, her arms wrapped around billie's waist.

the smaller girl knew she had to get up, she had to wake avery up too. the clock was 7am, and school started at 8:45.

but a little more time couldn't hurt right?

avery looked so comfortable, so peaceful. she looked like she never wanted to leave, like she just had the best night in her life. with a sigh, billie wrapped her arms around the girl.

they could have stayed there forever, but of course after 10 minutes, finneas had to come inside the room.

he was super stressed, he thought billie was dead. she always woke up when she was supposed to, even if she didn't want to go.

"billie!" billie groaned, her legs wrapping themselves around avery. the blue haired girl's eyes shot open when she realized where she was. and who she was cuddling.

"finneas get out" avery didn't move, she wanted to know what billie's next move was. finneas looked at the girls, raising one eyebrow.

"billie, wake her up, get dressed, eat breakfast, we leave in an hour. with or without you guys" billie rolls her eyes, kissing her teeth.

"okay yeah whatever ed sheeran, get the fuck out" finneas rolls his eyes at his sister, slamming the door shut.

billie didn't want to wake up, i mean in this situation who would want to get up? she was cuddling her crush for fucks sake!

she glides her fingers through the soft blue hair, enjoying the moment. maybe they could just, i don't know, not go to school? i mean i guess both of them would much rather stay home.

although, avery knew her mother wouldn't be so happy if she wasn't in school.

"good morning," avery rasps, but she doesn't move. the girl stays in this exact position. billie's scent is filling her nose, she smells like vanilla.

"good morning," billie whispers, "what if we just stayed home? my mom can call and say you're sick too"

avery raises an eyebrow, this time looking up at the girl. "for real?" with a smile and a nod from the brunette, avery sighs.

"i'd love to, but what if my mom finds out? she would probably kill me" billie snickers, she didn't know what to think of avery's mom, she always talked about her dad.

"she won't, and if not can't your dad call?" her dad could call, and then her mom wouldn't know because her dad already told them.

"yeah that could work" billie smiles, her chin resting on top of the girls head. as avery's hands go under billie's shirt to hold her waist, butterfly's fill her stomach.

avery holds the girl close to her, "can you text my dad for me? my phone if right behind me" avery simply didn't want to move, she was too comfortable.

"what's your password?" billie reaches for the other girl's phone, her background being a picture of her cat.

"666999, was going to do, 666 but it had to either be four numbers or six" billie hums, unlocking the phone.

she presses on the contact that says "dad<3" seeing that the last message he sent her were a lot of heart emojis. "what do you want me to say?"

"hey, i don't feel very good, mom won't call and tell the school i'm sick. can you call for me?" billie types as she hears what avery says, pressing send as she typed the whole message.

"he said, yes of course sweetheart, what's wrong? how are you feeling?" avery hums, thinking of what she's going to answer.

"say, my head just hurts, didn't get any sleep last night, not feeling so good. might just go to sleep" billie hums as she types, seeing that he is quick to reply.

"he said that he called and he hopes you get better" billie turns the phone off, laying it back where she found it.

"thank you"

"you're welcome"

"not only for that"

"for what?"

"for everything"

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