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"you look so good princess," avery runs her fingers through the smaller girl's hair who's standing in front of her.

billie runs her fingers through her girlfriend's hair, smiling up at her. "so do you baby, god you look so hot"

they smile at each other, running their fingers through each other's hair. it's the next day, and both of the girls' hairs looked wonderful.

billie never thought this would be reality, she always wondered how it would be to have avery as her girlfriend.

"you promised me something," billie whispers as she goes to kiss her girlfriend, feeling her soft lips against hers.

"hm, i did?" avery mumbles against billie's lips, kissing her again. she loved the taste of her girlfriend's lips, they always felt so good, and tasted like strawberries.

the smaller girl laughs through the kisses, holding avery close by her shoulders. "you did," she mumbles, continuing to kiss her girlfriend.

"oh really?" billie rolls her eyes at her girlfriend, taking her arms away around avery's neck. the smaller girl walks over to her desk, trying to remember where a drawing she wanted to show avery.

it was of a beautiful angel, and a devil by its side. she loved the way it showed how complete opposites work together. the angel was sitting on the devils lap, with the devils hands on its thighs. she imagined her as the angel, and avery as the devil.

once she finally found the drawing, she turned around and walked over to her very confused girlfriend. with the drawing in her hands on her back, without saying a word she stands in front of avery.

"i made you something" the taller girl raises an eyebrow, tilting her head to the side. she wondered what billie could have made her, although she was smart enough to think that it probably was a drawing since she was at her desk.

with a big smile on her face, billie takes the drawing from her back and puts it in front of avery. the taller girl's eyes scan the drawing that's now in front of her, how the devil's hands are very detailed, and how the angel actually looks angelic.

"this is so beautiful my love" billie smiles up at her, she really hoped avery would like it. she didn't know what she would do if avery didn't. and her last girlfriend didn't like it when billie drew things in general.

"thank you, i really hoped you'd like it" avery wraps her arms around her tiny girlfriend, burying her head in the smaller girl's neck.

"i love it" she mumbled, billie's vanilla scent filling her nose. a smile finds the now pink haired girl, wrapping her tiny arms around her girlfriend as well.

they stay there for a second, enjoying each other's presence. avery loved the way billie smells, the way she feels in her arms, how billie always seemed so safe in her arms.

billie loved the way avery's arms felt around her. the way she would leave small kisses all over her face/neck/shoulder ect.

avery walks billie over to the bed, laying her softly down. "i know what i promised you, and i will give it to you, you know i will. but for now i just wanna hold you and watch netflix if that's okay?"

billie smiles at the girl, she wants nothing more. she loved being with her girl, and she especially loved being held by her or holding her, she didn't really mind.

"of course that's okay," billie mumbles, pulling avery down on the bed on top of her. the taller girl wrapped her arms around billie's waist, her head laying on her chest.

the smaller girl finds the remote, the office is quick to find the screen when she pushes the on button. they mostly watched this show, since both of them enjoyed it.

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