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the girls laid there and talked, avery got to know that billie likes to draw, she likes to cook and that alice oseman was one of her favorite authors. billie got to know that avery loved her dad, had a brown cat, a sister and a brother, she also got to know that avery is the older sibling.

the girls really enjoyed each other's company, if you told billie a month ago that her crush would lay between her thighs, she would simply pass out. avery would have laughed, she didn't do this with any of her friends, and she doesn't do relationships.

she doesn't understand how people love each other so easily, she grew up with love around her the first 4 years of her life. and now, well to say it is easy it isn't there.

billie never found it hard to love, someone might say she falls in love too fast. billie grew up with love, and she never once felt like her family didn't love her. she knew they were there if needed.

there were many things avery didn't tell billie, things that she probably should have. billie could have helped, but avery didn't want to seem weak, seem like her family hated each other.

normally when stuff like this happened, avery would go to her dad. she didn't take jack or lucy with her. of course she loved them, but it wasn't them that got hit. so why would she take them? she never once told anyone what happens at home, not even her dad.

she wanted him to think she was happy at home, to not get more sad about things. maybe that was a bad choice, he could have gotten her out of there. he could have helped, but after all. avery didn't want help.

basketball and reading was the only time she thought about something else, and for some weird reason, she felt sleepy around billie. sorta safe. she knew she shouldn't and couldn't fall asleep right now, they were about to eat dinner, but she felt so safe, and so sleepy.

the hands massaging her scalp didn't help, in fact it made her more sleepy. just as billie started to talk about how she thought the ending of "they both die at the end" was stupid, her eyes slowly start to close.

just for a second...

billie talked happily about her opinion, but she stopped when avery wasn't responding anymore. taking a slight glance at the girl laying on her thighs, she saw avery's eyes closed, soft snores coming out of her mouth.

she was asleep.

a smile appeared on her face, avery looked so peaceful, like she didn't have a care in the world. billie happily laid back down, softly playing with avery's blue hair.

as some time passed, billie's eyes started to feel heavy. she knew they were gonna eat soon, but she was so tired. all she wanted to do was to fall asleep, but she knew she couldn't.

just as billie's eyes slowly closed, finneas walked into her room. his girlfriend had just arrived and they were gonna eat, he was excited. it was his mothers famous soup on the menu.

he saw billie almost asleep, and the girl billie hadn't stopped talking about sleeping between her thighs. he thought about just leaving them, but their parents really wanted to meet who billie talked about all the time.

claudia walked inside behind him, a gasp leaving her lips as she saw who laid in the bed with billie. it was her best friend, she grinned to herself.

finneas watched as his girlfriend walked up to avery, he wondered what she was doing. did claudia know her?

claudia smacks avery across the face, making avery jump awake. she sees her best friend standing over her, laughing her ass off.

"hello to you too bitch" avery mutters, her warm hand going to her cheek. the slap didn't hurt, but this wasn't how she expected to wake up.

billie's eyes opened again to the loud noises, "you guys know each other?" finneas raised an eyebrow, his girlfriend smiled at him, nodding her head.

"she's my best friend" finneas nods his head, avery looks up at billie. the blue haired girl sees that billie looks tired, she softly stands up from billie's thighs.

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