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"finneas, can you join the book club with me?" billie takes her cup of warm chocolate to her lips, the cream forming a mustache on her upper lip.

even though her brother doesn't have an interest in reading, billie is scared to go alone. not for any particular reason, she just likes to have her brother by her side, he makes her feel safe.

"but billie, i don't like reading," he leans back into the couch, their dog pepper jumping in his lap. finneas understood why his sister wanted him there, but he knew it would be good for billie to go on her own.

"did you sign up for it?" the ginger asks his sister, drinking his hot chocolate. school today was hard for both of them, finneas had a single test the whole day, while billie had 2. one in history and the other one was a math test.

the siblings decided they should have a siblings' night, where they would eat pizza, drink hot chocolate and watch their favorite movie coraline . the movie just finished and the thought that billie would be all alone tomorrow at the book club scared her.

"i did, but can you come with me?" sadness filled finneas's eyes as he shook his head. "i think it will be good for you to go alone" the brunette gave him a faint smile, she took her hot chocolate to her lips again, the warmth filling her mouth.

"please? i don't wanna go alone, i don't know anyone there" finneas sighs, he gets what his sister means, but he knows billie needs to do more things on her own. finneas clicks his tongue, and looks at his sister over his cup of hot chocolate.

"i can drive you there? since it starts at 6pm" billie feels a little relieved, but is still nervous as hell. she gives him a faint smile, nodding his head. "okay, i guess that works. omg finneas! what if they all start to hate me! what if they talks about books i don't know shit about!"

billie starts to stress, looking down at the floor as she thinks about the worst stuff that can happen. what if no one likes her? what if she ticks at the book club and everyone hates her. what if they film it again and throw her out!

"billie!"her head snapped at finneas direction, as she feel tears in her eyes. finneas put his warm cup down on the table, pepper jumping out of his lap as he lifts billie's cup out of her hands. finneas gently puts her cup down beside his, a sigh leaving his lips.

the older guy takes the blanket on the side of the couch, the fluff tickling his hand. he gently places it over his sister and takes a seat beside her, taking the blanket over him as well. billie feels his arms wrap around her, and a gentle kiss being placed at the top of her head.

"billie, you will be alright. you know a lot about books, and no one's gonna hate you. they're gonna love you with all the stuff you know. like tell me again billie, how long was juliette locked up?"

"264 days" billie sniffs, her head turning to finneas's chest.

"right, how do you just remember that randomly? you know a lot of stuff, maybe too much sometimes. this is gonna go fine, you can always text me if it goes like shit, and if you don't like it you don't even have to go there anymore. just try it one time, it can be a one time thing"

billie feels better at his words, this is one of the reasons she loves her brother. he's so caring for everyone, and could never hurt a fly even. she loves him for that.

"if i text you telling you i want to go home, you'll pick me up right?" he nods his head, his arms tightening around her. "but you won't have to text me, because it's gonna be one of the best nights in your life" billie giggles, she feels a smile forming on her lips.

"you're sure everything will be okay? and how do you know they won't hate me?" the older boy sighs, holding his little sister tightly in his arms. "how do you know they're gonna hate you? billie you're super smart, they'll love you. and it will be okay. i'm 100% sure it will"

billie nods her head slightly, looking up at her brother. "thank you, i guess i'm just stressed about trying something new as you said, but you're right. if i don't like it i won't go again, and i won't feel like a failure because i didn't go"

finneas shakes his head, "you're not a failure billie, and you never have been" the brunette smiles at his words, "you haven't either finneas, you're the best brother i could ever ask for" her brother smiles at her, kissing her forehead sweetly, "i could never ask for a better sister either, i love you billie"

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