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"the cafe was really cute, it had like cats walking around and these good ass smoothies. and then after she took me shopping and we had a very good time"

billie smiles at claudia, drinking some of her warm cup of tea. it was early in the morning on the fifth day of the trip, and the rain was already pouring down from the sky.

billie could tell that today was gonna be an inside day, which she didn't mind really. she could be with avery in bed all day. and it didn't even have to be sex, just cuddles and a movie, although she'd love some sex too.

"it sounds like you guys had a cute date," claudia smiles while drinking her morning coffee while eating some avocado toast.

"it was, like avery is such a good, like girlfriend, and person in general. and she treats me better than any other person ever have, i, i just love her"

the smaller girl mumbles the last part, looking down at the table with a smile. billie and claudia found out they should eat breakfast together while avery and finneas got to know each other better.

finneas had this whole ass test he took on avery, to make sure she was the best girlfriend for billie and made sure she treated her right.

"you too are cute together, and you should have seen her before you guys got together. she was literally drooling over your insta pics"

both of the girls giggle, enjoying their meal together. they sat down in the restaurant in the hotel, since the hotel had a breakfast bar, which was quite nice.

there were some other students around, but the girls didn't really acknowledge their presence when they had their breakfast together.

while in finneas and claudia's bedroom, avery were got questions about billie's life, how to treat her, what billie doesn't like ect.

billie told finneas she thought this was a dumb idea, and that she could mange to pick out good people. but seeing who billie's ex is, finneas highly doubted that.

"it's raining outside, you and billie are on a walk and billie is cold and doesn't have a jacket, what do you do?" finneas reads from his paper, looking up at avery with an eyebrow higher than the other.

"give her my jacket, and an umbrella if i have that on me. find somewhere where there is a roof if she doesn't want to walk in the rain, or if it's like close to my car we'll sit in there, or if she just wants my jacket she'll get that and we'll continue our walk"

finneas nods approvingly, as he continues to read questions from his paper. it was probably was too long, and they had already gotten throught 14 questions "one thing billie hates"

avery breathes through her mouth, looking up at the sealing. "she hates many things, the ocean maybe?" he nods again, turning around to the next page.

avery smiles to herself, "you should have seen her at the beach after you guys left, she literally wouldn't get off me when we were in the ocean, something about crabs" she giggles, earning a giggle from finneas.

"billie's favorite food?" he clicks his tongue and continues asking the questions, many people may say this is weird. but he needed to make sure billie was safe and well taken care of.

he didn't want billie to have to deal with another break up, or anything that would hurt her for that matter. she needed to be safe. and he would never be able to live with himself if she wasn't safe.

"burritos" they finish off their questions, avery responding right to every single one. he nods approvingly, looking at avery with one raised eyebrow.

"congratulations, you passed, and answered correctly on every question." avery smiles at him, she knew she would be able to do this, billie had been stuck to her these past days.

"just treat billie right," finneas sighs, looking at the ground. "i just want my little sister to be happy, and you make her happy, like very happy. treat her right avery"

"i will finneas, i promise you"

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