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"oh my god, you're a gorgeous princess" avery spins billie around in the middle of the room, her eyes eyeing billie's outfit.

it was a black mini skirt with an adorable pink top that matched her hair. she had a pearl necklace, pearl earrings with some cute rings.

she looked like a princess.

a faint blush appears on billie's cheeks, holding her girlfriend's hand tighter. "thank you baby" they share a sweet kiss, smiling like two idiots.

"come on, let's go" it's their third day in italy, and avery had promised billie a date night. she had a small plan in mind, but was willing to do something else if billie wanted to.

avery wore some loose black jeans, a zip up hoodie, with a blue shirt underneath. she had multiple rings on her fingers, and some earrings in her ears.

the couple leave the hotel hand in hand, as they walk down the street together. it was around 5pm, and the sky had a beautiful orange color.

avery and billie walk into this small cafe, the cafe had cats walking around, which was the reason that the girls walked inside.

avery ordered smoothies and muffins for herself and her girlfriend, a strawberry smoothie for herself and a blueberry one for billie.

the girls sat down on a table by the window, the cafe itself was this light brown color, with plants everywhere and cats walking around.

"i miss stormy," avery whispers as a cat jumps on their table. avery and billie pet the gray cat, earning a satisfied sound from the cat.

" you'll see her by the end of this week, it's not that long until we go home, you know" billie's fingers runs through the cat's fur, as she smiles at her girlfriend.

"yeah, i know. my dad keeps sending me pictures of him and stormy, it's adorable" a giggle escapes billie's throat, the cat jumping down from the table.

"you know, on the beach the other day" the blush is quick to find billie's cheeks. her fingers tapping on the table. but before she can say anything more the waiter comes with their smoothies and muffins.

avery smiles at the woman, taking a sip of her smoothie. she hands billie her smoothie and muffin before walking away.

"what about the beach? billie i swear to god if you somehow begin to throw up and get morning sickness i'm going to get the milk"

laughter comes out of the smaller girl, rolling her eyes at her girlfriend. "i'm not pregnant, avery,"  avery clicks her tongue.

"you better not be, i am not gonna be a mother in at least 20 years" billie rolls her eyes again, taking a bite of her muffin.

"what i was gonna say" she starts with food in her mouth, she quickly swallows before continuing. "when we, had some fun on the beach someone saw us"

avery clears her throat, raising an eyebrow. "are you serious? and you haven't told me until now?" she takes another sip of her drink.

"no i couldn't exactly do it with finneas and claudia around, and what have we been doing when we were alone, do you expect me to tell you with a dick in my mouth?"

avery rolls her eyes, but a smile finds her lips after. they have been every touchy lately. not that she minds. she loves it. and so does billie.

"okay, fair point. now who saw us?" billie smiles at her, her hand holding avery's. there were enough people in this cafe that no one heard what they talked about.

"that mika girl that's so obsessed with you" the smaller girl finishes her muffin, almost drinking up her smoothie.

"did she do anything? like did she take pictures?" billie shook her head. she didn't see mika take any pictures, so she guesses that she didn't.

"but like, why aren't you worried? could she tell the teachers or something?" when billie finishes her smoothie, she reaches out to steal avery's.

"because she finally saw that she can leave us the fuck alone, although i haven't seen her in a while. it's just annoying like that girl is everywhere"

she takes a sip of avery's drink, earning a death glance in return. "what? i finished mine" the taller girl rolls her eyes, eating her muffin.

"what do you want to do after this? any store you want to go to?"

"we can go to this mall down the street"

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