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"can't wait to see you again, billie, you're such a sweet girl." aaron brings billie into a hug, "treat avery right for me, i don't wanna see my girl hurt," he whispered.

"of course" billie whispers back, both of them breaking apart from the hug. they were at the airport, and avery's dad had agreed to drive the girls.

they had already said their goodbyes to maggie and patrick. both finneas and claudia were gonna come with them on this trip, finneas was only allowed to come because claudia had begged the school counselor.

avery and her dad said their goodbyes, aaron smiling at both of them before waving goodbye and leaving the airport.

the couple walked up to their class and in hand, there were so many people. billie held avery's hand tightly, not really liking being around so many people.

they got their bags checked in, both of them now only having a small backpack. it was about an hour until they needed to be on the plane.

billie and avery walk up to claudia and finneas, who is sitting down on some chairs. billie wore avery's blue hoodie with some sweatpants. avery wore a crop top with a zip up hoodie and some jeans.

"wanna go around and check out the airport?" billie smiles as avery wraps her arms around the girl from the back. her warmth spilling over to billie.

finneas looked over at claudia, who only nodded her head with a smile. "i think they sell food around the corner" she drags finneas up with her, walking around with the girls.

everyone was excited to go to italy, although it was a surprise for avery. she had forgotten all the trouble in her life how exciting vacations can be, even if it is with her class.

but now she had a fun trip to go on with her girlfriend, and yes her class may be around. but she won't see them that much. and hopefully mika won't try some shit.

that was the last thing she needed.

she shook her head, her arm hanging around billie's shoulders. they walk around the airport, stopping at the place claudia mentioned that had food.

the place looked like any other airport restaurant. they ate the vegan food the restaurant had. and surprisingly it was very good.

more and more stores appear as they continue to walk around. mostly expensive clothing stores. but they walk into the tax free zone.

the tax free was bigger than any of them thought, but they didn't complain either. they still had 30 minutes before they needed to make their way back.

finneas and avery pulls out a cart of the four of them to share, as they walk in the store they see the candy section first.

billie was sad she couldn't get everything she wanted, mostly because she was vegan. avery didn't have a problem in spoiling the girl, but wanted to save money for the actual trip, so everyone agreed they would only get what they needed for the plane.

the tiny girl pulls out a huge bag of takis, smiling to herself as she puts it in the cart. they continue to fill the cart with what they believe they will need for the long flight.

as 30 quickly pass by, they make their way back and walk inside the plane. avery and billie seated next to each other in the middle, and claudia and finneas in the back.

the flight was gonna take some time, so the couple had downloaded many movies, the whole seventh season of the office, and had now many snacks and drinks.

but they could not wait to fall asleep. they stayed up all night, sharing kisses, packing their bags, avery did billie's skin care for her, and they watched a movie.

they wanted to sleep on the plane, mostly because it would pass the time. billie softly laid her head on avery's shoulder, holding her hand in hers.

avery laid her head on top of billie's, praying inside her that there is not an annoying kid on the plane screaming at his mom or in general.

she gave billie's hand a squeeze, before both of them closed their eyes, slowly falling asleep on the plane.

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