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"claudia is gonna freak out" billie and avery laugh together, their foreheads touching as they dance around.

"i didn't know you were a dancer," billie whispers, her arms around avery's neck while the taller girl's arms are around her waist.

the song "sadderdaze - the neighborhood" played in the background as the now couple danced around the kitchen.

it's around 6pm, and after eating dinner with billie's family. only except finneas wasn't there, they baked cookies together after maggie and patrick decided to go on a date.

billie's parents were happy the girls were finally together, as maggie saw how happy avery makes billie.

"i don't do corny couple shit, but i'd do them with you" billie smiles up at her girlfriend, swinging from side to side with her.

"i love the corny couple shit, and we so are doing it" avery giggles at the cuteness of her girl, holding her waist close to her.

"i'm so glad i met you" the taller girl whispers close to billie's lips, connecting their lips in a sweet kiss, as they continue to dance around in the kitchen.


"i told you they'd be good" billie mumbles, almost moaning at the taste of the cookies. they were the best cookies she ever had tasted.

avery smiles at her, looking at the brunette from across the table. her hair was in a low bun, and she wore avery's hoodie with no pants. which you could barely see since the hoodie went to her knees.

"everything you make is good" billie looks at avery, a faint blush on her cheeks. with a smile, the smaller girl walks around the table, sitting down on avery's lap.

"it was lonely over there" she whispers, taking her legs on either side of avery's waist. the blue haired girl smiles at her, kissing her cheek.

"your hair is fading" billie runs her hand through avery's hair, placing the cookie in her mouth. avery's dark blue, now looked more light blue, maybe even green.

"we should dye our hair together, we should match," avery smiles at her girlfriend, who smiles around the cookie in her mouth.

avery leans forward, taking a bite of the cookie in billie's mouth. which only makes billie giggle. the couple sits there smiling at each other. falling more in love every second.


"babyyyy" billie whines when avery stands up from the couch, holding her arms out. she was in a so good cuddling position, but of course avery had to pee.

"just a second princess, i'll be right back" billie rolls her eyes as avery walks out of the living room leaving her phone behind.

the brunette happily opens avery's phone, as she remembers the code from when she sent a message to avery's dad.

she is quick to change the wallpaper to herself, both lock and home screen with two different photos. when she opens instagram, she adds a "B<3" in avery's bio, she does the same in avery's tiktok bio.

when avery comes back, billie had deleted every contact that had a "💦" emoji, because she remembered avery once told her that the people with that emoji after their name were people she had either fucked, gotten a blow job from or anything sexual. she had also blocked a lot of girls on her snapchat.

when avery sits back down, she pulls billie back on her lap. billie hands her the phone back, the smile on her face is innocent.

with an eyebrow raised, avery goes through her phone. she sees everything billie did on her phone, and as she does she is kinda surprised.

and she also isn't mad, she was planning to block all the people billie did. "glad to see you did it for me" billie let out the breath she was holding.

"thought you were gonna be mad a second there"

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