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"i'll see you at lunch, okay princess?" avery mumbles against billie's lips, kissing her one more time before walking to class.

billie's eyes watches as avery walks to class. today the halls were filled with tired students and grumpy teachers.

she wasn't gonna lie and say she wasn't tired, she was. very. it didn't help either that avery kept her awake. or well, maybe billie was the one to keep avery awake all night.

with a yawn, she turns around and starts walking to her class. billie didn't like the classes she had without avery, but it was okay. like she survived. barely.

she walks inside the classroom, science was probably the class she did worse in. she just didn't understand it.

billie walks into the back of the class, pulling out her notebook. as the room fills more up, the noises get louder.

the teacher tells everyone to be quiet, and starts teaching his stupid stuff. not that billie cared, maybe that was her problem. she didn't care enough in this class.

as the class continues, billie gets more and more bored. maybe she should text avery and tell her to meet her in the bathroom? or just go to the bathroom.

her hand raises in the air, the teacher stops talking about what he's talking about. and points a finger at billie.

many students said they thought he was attractive, billie never saw it. it might be the fact that she's mostly a lesbian. but she just didn't find him good looking.

"yes billie?" he raises an eyebrow, billie never had her hand in the air. she liked being quiet. "can i go to the bathroom?"

with a small smile he nods his head before going back to his teaching. the small girl stands up, and walks out of the classroom to the bathroom.

the halls were empty, and for now it looked like there was peace here. for once.

with a sigh she walks into the bathroom, pulling out her phone and leaning her back against the wall. the time was 10:28 and she couldn't be here for that long. 5 minutes at most.

just as she was about to send avery a text, the bathroom door opens. billie being billie she doesn't look up, which was her plan. she didn't wanna look at the person.

but it becomes nearly impossible as the person stands right in front of her. why couldn't the person back off?

her eyes finally leave her screen, as she meets my mika's eyes. why can't this girl just leave her alone?

"you're a bitch you know that?" mika whispers, walking closer to billie. there was little to no space in between them.

billie could almost feel mika's stinky breath on her face, their knees were touching, and if mika had a bigger chest their boobs would be touching.

"brush your teeth" billie scrunches her nose, her hand pushing mika back a little. she didn't have time for this, nor did she want to do this.

"shut up" billie opens her mouth to speak, but just as she does, mika points a knife against billie's neck. the blade was silver and shone from the bathroom lights.

mika lets out a little laugh, as billie swallows. she presses the knife against billie's skin. without mika noticing, she presses record and points her camera at them.

"i'm so sick and tired of you being here and avery's only focusing on you. now you're gonna stay the fuck away from her, i don't wanna see you with her. is that understood?"

"you jealous fuck" billie mutters, the knife presses harder against her skin, drawing a small line of blood. the pain stings her neck, but she tries not to show it. although mika can clearly see it.

"if you don't i'll fucking kill you billie. i'm tired of your shit, do you understand? stay away from her. she's mine." billie wants to laugh, but then she might die. at least she has video proof of this.

"yeah yeah" she mutters, mika steps away walking out like nothing happened. billie looks down at her phone, stopping the recording.

a loud sigh leaving her lips. stay away from avery? haha that's funny. she sends a quick text to avery, telling her to meet her outside her car in 10 minutes.

not checking if she responded, billie quickly dries the blood from her neck. the paper towel hurt when it was met by her wound. but she didn't want it to get infected.

she quickly washes her hands, mostly out of stress. with a loud sigh she looked at the wound, it was pretty bad, and it definitely needed to be cleaned up correctly.

with another sigh, she's quick to walk to avery's car (well more like avery's dad's car) seeing avery standing outside.

when she walks up to avery, a loud gasp leaves her lips. "baby what happened? are you okay?" avery tilts billie's head up, looking at the scar.

"no, not really. we need to go to the police station, like right now. oh and we can report your mom too. i'll tell you in the car"

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