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billie smiles as avery opens the door to the hotel room the girls are gonna share for the next week.

the flight was fine, nothing more than you could expect. and luckily there weren't any annoying kids there.

the hotel room was big, the bathroom had a huge bathtub, a big sink and of course a toilet. the room itself had a couch, a king sized bed, a tv and a balcony.

billie dramatically puts the bags down with a sigh, collapsing on the bed. finally she could rest on a comfortable bed.

it was already night time in italy, which was perfect since both of them were extremely tired. avery laughs at her over dramatic girl, putting the bags down on the floor.

"baby, you're laying on the bed with dirty clothes" avery walks over to billie, who already had fallen asleep.

a smile appears on avery's lips, billie was always so cute when she slept. she looked like a princess, the sleeping princess of heaven or something.

avery pulls billie's hoodie, (or more like her hoodie, since billie stole it) over billie's head, leaving the girl in a tank top.

avery took off billie's shoes, her socks and she slowly pulled down billie's sweatpants. she picks up the sleeping girl, laying her more comfortable on the bed.

she pulls the covers over her sleeping beauty, giving her forehead a sweet kiss. she knew billie was tired, but not this tired.

while billie is asleep, avery takes the opportunity to pack out what she needs to pack out. she never understood how people could lay their clothes in the closets. she found them very dirty and disgusting.

she takes their toothbrushes, toothpaste, hairbrushes, makeup, skin care, everything they would need that's not clothes and puts it in the bathroom.

she also takes the candy out on display so billie could easily see it. she knew how crazy billie could be for some takis and good candy.

after packing everything out that she thought was necessary, she sends her father a text saying that they arrived, doing the same to maggie and patrick and telling them how fast billie fell asleep.

avery puts her phone down, connecting a charger to both hers and billie's phone. she didn't want billie to complain about how her phone was dead and steal hers.

after taking care of everything else, avery starts getting ready for bed. brushing her teeth, her hair, changing to some more comfortable clothes, and going to the bathroom before she turns off the lights and joins billie in bed.

she wraps her arms around her sleeping beauty, holding her tightly against her. as excited as she was for this trip, she was more excited to be around billie all the time. not that she wasn't that already.

with a kiss on the forehead, on her cheek and lastly on her neck, avery closes her eyes, before she falls asleep with her angel in her arms.

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