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avery's playlist played in the background as she cleaned her room. she couldn't stand having a messy room. just the thought of it makes her shiver. she loved having everything organized, since the rest of the house wasn't so organized, or clean for that matter.

it seemed like no one cared about cleaning the house except her, her mom was always busy with either jack, herself or well... having sex with her step father. and she was always so loud, it made her want to throw up.

avery used to love her mother. she, her mother and her father were once the perfect family. but after her mom got her sister everything changed. her father was expected to do everything while she laid on the couch.

and she ended up cheating on him, with some dumbass. her father was way too good for her mother anyways. but his love for her mother was so deep, that when he got thrown out and broken up with, he fell into a deep depression.

avery did her best to be there for him, and eventually he got better. avery wishes she could just move out, but her mother screams everytime she brings it up. maybe one day she's just fed up with it, and just moves out.

she has come to the conclusion that she is only there because she is the only one who cleans. and to test her theory, she stopped cleaning the house. and started just to clean her room. she wasn't a fucking cleaner, what did her mother think?

just as she finishes vacuuming her room, she hears a "ping" from her phone. she thought it was her dad, they had agreed to go out and eat today. to celebrate the fact that avery joined a book club. but when she picks up her phone, it's from billie.




how are you?

i'm good, what about you?

i'm great

i'm glad<3

are you doing something tomorrow?

don't think so, why?

just wondering if you maybe wanna come over for dinner? my family is vegan, but i think you'll like the food, it's really good!

yeah, for sure:) just send me the addy and the time

okayy, can't wait to see you

can't wait to see you either princess<3

*address* my brothers gf is also coming btw, it starts at 4, but you can come at 3:))

okay, i will!

she smiled to herself as she texted her new friend, she was happy she made a friend as adorable as billie. billie could simply just exist and avery would smile at her. she noticed her a few times at school, they have some classes together, but billie was always quiet.

she read in her book, and kept her mouth shut the whole day. maybe she just didn't like talking, or maybe she is just shy? the memory of yesterday fills avery's brain.

how could mika say that? why would she even say that? did she think avery was gonna like her more because she made fun of her friend. it was weird for avery how fast mika was to say something like that.

avery simply didn't care that billie had tourettes, why would she care? it's something billie can't control, and billie is a pretty and a smart girl, so why would she judge her for that? she wouldn't judge anyone, ever.

avery might be popular, but that doesn't mean she will go around and judge and bully people. avery very much hated people who did that. judge someone because they think they're better than anyone else.

she smiles to herself, thinking about billie. what a cutie. avery put her phone down, getting back to her cleaning with a smile on her face. she wasn't the only one smiling.

billie couldn't stop smiling, not only had avery called her princess but she was coming over tomorrow. she can't wait to introduce her to her family, especially finneas. she thinks they would be great friends.

even though avery is billie's friend, her crush clearly hasn't gone away. finneas knows about her crush on her friend, she told him all she knew about her earlier that day, and how she can't wait to text avery.

billie smiles to herself, walking happily over to finneas's room. he was on his bed, texting his girlfriend. billie was happy finneas had a girlfriend, he is a wonderful man, and he deserves it.

"she's coming tomorrow" billie smiles, finneas looks up from his phone. he could tell billie was happy about this, she was so happy. and finneas could tell, he loves seeing billie happy, it's the highlight of his day.

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