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"you had a girlfriend this whole mother fucking time and you did not tell me!" claudia screams when billie and avery enter billie's house.

avery flashes a smile at her best friend, "i was gonna tell you" the purple haired girl rolls her eyes, walking more into the house with billie.

"you were?" claudia raises an eyebrow, folding her arms over her chest. she didn't believe her at all, although she'd love to be the first person who knew.

"yes i was, for one you weren't at school today, for two i hadn't seen you in a while, and for three i wanted to tell you face to face"

claudia rolls her eyes again, but a smile finds her lips after. "i knew you two would be great together" she points to the couple holding hands in front of her.

billie rolls her eyes, but a smile is quick to find her lips. "are you going on that trip tomorrow?" avery changes the subject, her arms wrapping around her girl.

"oh yeah i am, me and finneas are in the same room actually" claudia smiles as finneas enters the living room, kissing his girlfriend on the cheek.

"i heard you guys are in the same room" billie nods her head with a smile, "yeah we are, nice talking to you" she pulls avery to her room.

she wanted to talk to her brother and his girlfriend, yes, but right now she wanted something else. she has been waiting forever and just can't do it anymore.

and of course it was okay if avery didn't want to, but she was too horny to just stay there and talk. normally she would masterbate every week, but she hasn't gotten the chance yet.

and she wanted avery, she needed avery. inside her. now. when the girls enter her room, billie is quick to lock the door, pulling her sweater over her head.

billie walks up to avery in a tank top, wrapping her arms around the taller girl's neck. "baby i need you" she pouts.

avery wraps her arms around the tiny girl's waist, "i'm right here love" billie groans, pressing her lips against her girlfriend's.

it felt like billie was gonna explode, her pussy was so wet, and all she wanted to do, was to get fucked by her girlfriend.

"i need you inside me" it was like a spark went through avery's body. she wanted to make sure billie was comfortable before they did anything. she lifts billie up, her small legs and arms wrapping around her body.

it was always a wonder to the girl how billie could be so tiny and light when she was so thick, of course she hasn't seen billie naked, yet. but she has seen her in a tank top. and holy shit.

she laid her girl softly down on the bed, her hands holding her waist. billie's white tank top made her breasts look amazing, the top holding her slim body tightly. "you want me inside you huh?" she smirks, giving billie small kisses on her neck.

her lover's skin always tastes so sweet, like she could kiss it forever and never get tired of it. she loved kissing billie. it was one of her favorite things to do.

"y-yes i do" she moans as avery sucks on her sweet spot. the heartbeat was quick to find billie's cunt, she had been horny for so long, and now she was finally getting what she need.

avery kisses her way up to billie's ear, "tell me if anything makes you uncomfortable, is there anything you don't like that i should know before i start?"

"i like everything, what about you, any name you don't want me to call you?" avery smirks against the other girl's neck.

"don't call me daddy, i prefer mommy" billie almost moaned at the words. she always wanted to call a girl mommy, it was like a dream came true. avery starts to undress billie, pulling her tank top over her head.

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