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billie cuddles more into avery, avery is safe. that's all that mattered to billie, she was safe. it was around 10pm, and avery and billie had cuddled for hours.

avery soon fell asleep, which left billie awake in avery's arms. she might be awake but she didn't want to move.

she knew deep down that avery doesn't do relationships. but maybe that was different when it was billie?

claudia had already told her that avery didn't do this to anyone, and avery had confirmed it. maybe there actually was some hope?

but, billie was too afraid to make the first move. she wanted avery to do it. she didn't wanna get rejected. and she knew if avery ever did something, she would let her.

avery on the other hand, had woken up 10 minutes ago. too afraid to move in case billie was asleep. she felt billie's slow breathing in her neck, and billie's small arms around her.

she didn't want to have feelings for billie, she didn't want to have feelings for anyone. the girl found it scary to love, or be loved.

but, billie is billie. so caring, and so cute. avery realizes that she has feelings for the girl, but what if billie doesn't like her back?

then she would ruin this friendship, she would ruin everything. and billie probably would never talk to her again.

but what if billie liked her? and she would just keep waiting until billie got over her? then everything was ruined again.

she knew she could never have feelings for someone as she had for billie. she did after all have her fathers heart, he loved deep and strong. and so did she.

thinking billie was asleep, she brings billie closer to her, closing the small space between them. "i'm so fucking in love with you"

billie didn't know what to think, could she just wake up now and kiss her? or just, do something else? okay, she will do it tomorrow.

and before she knew it, billie fell asleep.


"princess wake up" avery shook billie awake, it was 7am, and they both needed to go to school. billie groaned, holding her arms up for avery.

"carry me." it wasn't a question, more like a command. "i'm a princess after all, carry me." avery giggles at the adorable girl in bed.

following the princesses orders, avery lifts billie up. the brunette wraps her arms and legs around avery, letting her carry her to her closet.

"what does my princess want to wear today?" billie yawns into her neck, shaking her head softly. avery hadn't seen anything this adorable in months. she just wanted to kiss her forever.

"just a hoodie and sweatpants," avery nods, picking out a white hoodie, with some back sweatpants. "can you dress yourself, or do i have to dress you?"

giggles fill the room, as billie gently jumps down. "i can dress myself, maybe another time though" avery smirks at her, "i'll go eat breakfast, finneas said your mom made something"

the smaller girl shows her a thumbs up, waiting for avery to leave the room. when billie is the only one in the closet, she slowly starts to undress.

it felt good to take off her wet underwear, it wasn't wet because she peed herself. more like, she had a wet dream about avery.

if avery weren't here, billie would probably find herself masterbating on her bed. maybe people think she's innocent just because she reads books and she's shy.

but in reality, she's quite a freaky girl. she loves the idea of being fucked senseless, or being tied up, blindfolded, and well, she has quite a lot of kinks.

she shakes the thought away, putting on some new underwear, a t-shirt and the clothes avery picked out.

it has been a while since she masterbated, and she can tell she's probably gonna be horny all day. and she for sure isn't gonna make it better by reading smut in class.

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