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billie watches the clock excitedly, as she waits for the clock to turn 3pm. she cleaned her whole room, helped her mom cook dinner, and took the dogs out for a walk.

now all she could do was wait. she hated waiting. billie watched as the clock turned 1:37, there was still so much time. so much time.

her blue eyes drifted around her room, maybe there was something more to clean? but she didn't see anything, everything was cleaned and perfect.

if she went downstairs now, her mom would probably need help. but what if avery came while she was helping her mom? what would she do then?

oh shit!

billie hadn't even thought about what they were gonna do? were they gonna read? draw? did avery even like to draw?

before billie could panic anymore, her phone vibrated beside her. with a deep sigh she took up her phone, it was probably drew, telling her about how happy she was over something.

but when she picked up her phone, it wasn't drew. it was avery, she was wondering if she could come over now.

without even thinking billie sent a "yea of course" back. now she at least didn't have to wait, but there was still so much time. now they had 1 hour and 20 minutes.

all billie wanted to do, was to lay in avery's arms and sleep. she barely got any sleep last night, too excited about today, and having avery over.

the brunette rushed out of bed, running downstairs. just to check that everything was neat and perfect. she couldn't have avery walk in and see how dirty it was, not that it was dirty.

it was so clean, since billie couldn't sleep. she cleaned the whole house three times. she was very nervous, and she wanted to make a good first impression.

the small girl jumps as the doorbell rings, happily she runs over to the door. she never thought of questioning why avery wanted to come earlier, and she never did.

maybe that was for the best. avery didn't want billie to know. what would billie think of her? and she knew, if she ever told billie, billie would never look at her the same.

avery collects herself, drying some tears before the door opens with a happy billie. she was glad to see billie happy, the brunette's smile was so wide, she was truly happy.

"hey princess" avery's arms wrap around billie in a tight hug, billie feels like she is gonna faint. but she is quick to hug her back, holding onto the taller girl as long as possible.

the sweet sent of vanilla fills avery's nose, one thing is sure, billie smells really good. they break apart, looking at each other with a huge smile.

avery let billie lead her to her room. the smaller girl looked adorable, so happy and bubbly. avery had never had someone this excited that she was coming over.

billie's room isn't big, but it's definitely not small either. avery's eyes glance over her room, her huge bookshelf, her desk with many drawings, her big bed with fairy lights over, the tv across from the bed and the fluffy rug on the ground.

"i love your room" a tiny blush appears on billie's cheeks, the tiny girl sits against the headboard of the bed. with a smile, avery walks over to her and sits beside her.

"what do you wanna do?" billie smiles, looking over at avery. for the first time, billie saw her without shorts. she wore pants, and a hoodie.

the taller girl smiles back at her, "actually, can we do nothing. i've done so much this week, i just wanna lay down"

billie stays still, watching while avery makes herself comfortable. avery had a plan, a mission. she wanted to lay on billie's thighs. but she wasn't gonna do it if billie was uncomfortable.

after a bad week, all she wanted to do was to lay her head on billie's soft thighs. but, she knew she was gonna feel awkward if she didn't ask after doing.

so in a quick motion, she laid her head between billie's thighs, laying her legs on her shoulders. "is this okay?" with a smile and a nod from the other girl, avery closes her eyes.

billie's hands find avery's soft blue hair, her nails massaging her scalp. billie still found it crazy that avery was here, and the thought that she was laying between her thighs? billie was gonna faint.

although, she would love it if avery's face was the other way.

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