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avery jackson finds herself at the basketball court after school, practicing with one of her friends claudia.

claudia wasn't as good as avery, but she could use the practice. avery's short hair is in a low ponytail, while claudia's long hair is in a high one.

avery's dark blue hair shines as the sun hits her head, the girls play on the basketball court, and claudia finds herself losing miserably.

"i can't do this with your ass," claudia sighs as she misses the knit, as the taller girl approaches claudia with a huge grin on her face.

"you have to remember i've done this my whole life, you started last year" the blue haired girl unscrews the water bottle cap before chugging the whole thing down.

"you have a visitor" claudia points to a girl behind avery, mika. avery always found the name mika weird, it reminded her of milk.

mika, oh poor mika. her feelings for avery were deep. so deep she would kill someone for just a kiss from avery. obsessed she might be.

but, unfortunately for her. avery didn't have feelings for her at all. for her mika was just a simple fuck, a one night stand.

avery found many things about this girl weird, her obsession with plain milk didn't help her. the taller girl kept her face straight as she approached mika.

"can i help you?" mika's good feeling soon went away. she thought that maybe avery did like her, she seemed so eager in bed, while now. well she looks like she would be anywhere else.

"i- i was just wondering if you wanted to do something this weekend? maybe watch a movie?" little did she know that avery hates movies, she liked books better, and found it easier to concentrate if she read.

"can't, i have plans. sorry" the sorry was as fake as you could get it. avery had little to no interest in this girl, she didn't even think the girl was pretty.

"this week maybe?" mika turned her head to the side, a faint smile on her lips. she really wanted this to work, well mostly because of three reasons.

1. she's good in bed.

2. she's popular

3. she's attractive

avery shook her head, looking over her shoulder. claudia was on her phone, probably texting her new boyfriend.

"i can't, have to practice." why couldn't mika just understand she wasn't interested? she hasn't had a relationship since 6th grade, and planned it to stay that way.

she didn't believe in love, for others yes. but for her? never. she couldn't imagine loving someone more than she loves herself. or her cat.

her cat is avery's only love, and the only thing she thinks she will ever be able to love. it's a brown cat, and she named it stormy. because there was a storm outside when she got her.

mika feels a sudden sadness run over her, she can't explain how much she wants to be with avery. the blond girl tries to hold her tears, as she gives avery a nod.

"okay, yeah sure" mika shakes her head, as her eyes drift to the ground, feeling a tear slip from her eye. the tear felt wet and dry at the same time, ticking her cheek.

when she looked up again, avery was already beside claudia again, laughing with her friend. she didn't understand why avery wasn't interested, maybe she was just a stupid girl anyways?

the blue haired girl finds it hard to love, and she doesn't understand how people can love each other so easily. love each other like it's nothing.

"you like to read, right?" claudia asks, her boyfriend finneas told her about this book club at school. and how his sister was gonna join it, maybe avery could too? after all, she likes to read.

"yeah, why?" avery starts packing up her things, seeing as the sun is starting to go down. she was ready to go home, eat a fat burger and go to sleep.

"there is this book club at school, it starts on friday. maybe you should join?" claudia smiles at the slightly taller girl, taking the hair tie out of her long hair.

"i don't know if that's really my type of thing" the taller girl throws her bag over her shoulder, she doesn't have time for a book club, she has to practice, and when she reads she likes to do it in peace.

"you should think about it though, with the amount of books you read last year" avery did in fact read many books last year, too many people might say. she read 269 books, making sure to make it her favorite number.

"well yeah, but i don't know if a book club is my thing, it's probably just filled with nerds who read classics" she hates classics, she doesn't know what it is. avery finds them so boring she feels like she's gonna throw up. well except for one, little women. she loved that one.

"just think about it, you still have the whole week in front of you, maybe you can see after basketball practice tomorrow? you have to sign the paper, you know on the wall beside mrs carlson's classroom"

avery nodded her head, "i'll think about it," claudia smiled at her. the girls said their goodbyes, the blue haired girl took her airpods in her ears and played "dead girl in the pool - girl in red" as she walked home.

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