Part 1 ...

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It was raining heavily as always , but the traffic still remains the same on the streets of mumbai . People usually come to Mumbai to persue their dreams , their passion , and she was also here to put a step towards her dream . She was sitting near the window at the last seat of the BOMBAY TO BARCELONA LIBRARY CAFE , a book in her hand , hot coffee , smells of soil due to rains and the cold chilly winds slightly touching her face . Her glasses have slightly slided down on her nose , so with her fingers she push them back . She adds the page mark to the book and keep it down on the table , and rotating her coffee cup she takes the first sip of it and hold the mug with both her hands . She looks outside the window to feel up the rains , when his voice reaches her ears , she gets freeze at her place . She knows that she has face it bcoz he is a heartthrob singer , but whenever she hears him she looses it everytime . As the words hit her ears she instantly look at the TV screen placed in the cafe


( tears built up her waterline )


Her tears are about to drop when someone calls her Person - sush , their she is at her usual place

As she looks at him she turn and wipe her tears and plaster a smile on her face

He comes to her with four more people . As he comes to her , he shuffle his hairs near her face which were wet with water .

Susmita - adi , stop that

Adi - you love rains , and you still aren't wet , so just doing that

Abhi interrupt him - Bhai at least some day by mistake don't annoy her

Adi - shut up kamine , and I love to annoy her , if you have problem then the door is in the right . Pull it and get out

Sush - guys stop you both

Adi looks at her - you cried

She goes still as he questions her - Adi why. would. I. cry ( she stammer )

Adi catch her hand , when they all together speak up - whooo , love birds . You guys are damm cute

Adi shoot them a deathly look

Adi maintaining the same look speak up - guys stop this bullshit , you guys know that we are just friends

They all look at them , take their hands up and moving their index finger and middle finger up and down they say up - just friends

Adi picks up the glass of water from the table and flash it on abhi's face , give him a innocent forced smile - straight then right , the washroom though

He takes her outside the cafe , hold her hand in his palms - you heard him , right ? Sush look at me ( she looks up at him ) why the hell does it still affect you .

Sushi - bcoz he still have my heart , I hate him but moreover I love him . And that's what my biggest weakness is , and that's the sole reason why I didn't wanted to land up again in India .

Adi - then make that love your strength and not your weakness . Sush don't know whether he even remember us or not , so just try not to get weaken . Plz

Sushi nods and they both get inside and sushi sit down on her chair and Adi is about to sit when palak pulls his chair off , and he fall off on the floor . Everyone laugt except sushi , she feels bad for him , so forwards her hand to make him stand up straight . Adi catch her hand and stand up

Adi - what's wrong with you palak

Palak - you flashed the water over abhi's face and I made you fall . Hisaab barabar

Rohan - Bhai chill out and order something plz , I'm hungry

Geet - Rohan not again , you have to loose your weight okay . Or else forget me

Sushi is least interested in their talks , his tears are coming in front of her eyes , she knows that it's just acting but still it bothers her . She's looking outside the window when abhi speak up ,

Abhi ( while snapping his fingers in front of her ) - Sushi , your would to be BF is right here then where are you lost girl

Sushi - abhi I guess you should concentrate on palak , and about adi , then he can never be more than a friend to me . And this is something he knows so stop all this shitty things

Palak - oh god , plz we have discussed it many a times . Now plz don't spoil up your moods yaar . Okay I have something to share . And puts down some passes on the table

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