Part 48 ...

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Adi take the letters , and handover it to everyone . And taking the gift box and letter he give it in his hands and speak up

Adi - buddy , sushi asked me to give it to you all . The reason why she came back to India was seeing her name getting published as a author . After your patch up she thought that her mind is distracting itself from the book , she loves you but also she don't want her dreams to just fall down . You both have same kinda passion for the things you love . Darsh a few years back music was everything for you , more than her . You didn't let your music go away from you and now she don't want her passion to go away from her . You both are passionate then whether it be love or dreams . She said that she's just leaving for few months , and you'll always have her essence with you through her handwritten letters . And guys , she also said that she gonna write letters for her this family

Darsh was silent all this time , he didn't expected her to leave without telling him or even giving any clue abt her departure . He didn't knew how to react , but surely he was happy that she took a step for her dreams . He wanted to know what's written in the letter , he just hurriedly moved to his room and locked it . Adi got worried so he was banging the door . But everyone stopped him

Kri - Adi relax , he just needs time to process things

Darsh after getting inside sends a text to adi which reads , " buddy I'm fine , don't worry . I'm just curious to know what's written in the letter . You know what I liked this idea , of letters . As she said , I'll always carry her essence with me . She surely knows how to hold on with me , and the love I have for her . Adi , today she proved that distance doesn't matter when hearts are connected . You said we both are same , no buddy , she's different ; you know why , because I choosed my passion over her years back and she choosed both . She's fulfilling her dream to be a writer and keeping her promise to be mine forever . Okay gotta go , my love is waiting for me "
. Adi read the msg and a smile crepts on his face . And saying a goodbye to everyone he leaves


Darsh sit on the edge of the bed and unwrap the gift , and there's a small ganpati murti inside it . His lips curved into a smile , and eyes got moist as its the same murti that darshan has given her years back before they separated . He put it over the side table of the bed , and take the letter . That vintage look of paper surprised him , and the words scribbled were with blue ink giving it aesthetic look , her perfume smells do good . When he opens it , he's astonished

" Darsh ( pilon ) ,

Firstly I guess I should apologise ( I don't need your sorries sushi , but you ) , for leaving like this . I know I should have talked with you , and that you would have understood me if I would have spoken to you ( ya I would have , but yet I wouldn't have allowed you to go away from me again )
. I already miss you ( and I don't , why you had to do it sushi ) , and so that this feeling lessens I grabbed few of your things . Don't search for them , because you'll mess up around the complete house ( I don't mind you taking my things but it depends on what are those ) . Okay relax , not much

- your perfume

- a pair of gucci ; you don't know how much I struggled to find the pair that will fit me 3 - a tee ; too loose but anyways no one's gonna see me

- a hoodie from your DR merchandise ; I always wanted it but you always denied so I just grabbed it

- your heart ; don't worry I kept mine for you

( oh god , this girl . Are you serious you picked up my gucci , I mean everything else is fine but shoes ; not done . And I know you loved that hoodie , and you look like a boo ; bcoz it's oversized for you . Before I could tell you that I made it in your size you're gone , but that would be your return gift . And ya you have taken my heart away , but I don't mind with that )

Darsh it's just abt few months , and everything will be fine . And these letters will be there with you everyday . And if you're travelling letters will be given at our house and a mail will be sent to you . Don't miss me much , and I love you

Yours , SUSH "

Darsh - why you have to do this , I miss you

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