Part 30 ...

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Darshan knew that something is wrong with her , but what is it , he needs to find out . He knew she won't take his calls . So when rehearsal were finished he caught Kritesh and asked him to tell her that he's gonna meet her at her house . She wasn't knowing that darshan is with him , so she asked him to come over . Principal sir was gone out of ahemdabad for some meeting and he was directly returning back on the fest day . They both reached her house , Kritesh rang the bell and darshan stopped a lil bit aside so that she can't see him when she open the door , bcoz he didn't wanted her to close the door on his face . Someone opened the door , and the lady asked us to sit on the couch and told that she would call sushi . After a while sushi walked down from the stairs , darshan's eyes glued to her , she was wearing shorts and black spaghetti , her hairs were flowing freely , while walking through stairs her eyes landed on darshan . She was shocked to see him , and also thought that why didn't Kritesh told her that he's going to come with him . She walked to them and sat on the couch

Sushi - what will you guys have

Kri - from when you started doing formalities

Sushi - you haven't seen my hospitality , it's first time you came here . So tea , coffee , cold drink , drinks are also their but I won't offer them as dad will kill me later

Kri - just some water for a while

Sushi ask aunty to bring them water , darshan was silent all this time

Sushi - so , what you wanted to speak so urgent

Kri - actually sushi , it's not me , darshan wants to speak something

Sushi looked at the him

Darsh - actually ,

Kri cut him in mid - sushi , you guys can continue , actually I have some work so I'll leave

Before sushi could stop him , he disappeared leaving a awkward silence there . Aunty's work time was over so she too left . Darsh spoke up finally to break the silence

Darsh - is there something that's bothering you ? You can share with me , you know that , right ?

His question made her stunned , how come he got to know what she's feeling . Everyone else believed her lies then what's his problem , why can't he just let her be . Why is he trying to get close , didn't he got yet that she's trying hard to push him away . He's making things difficult for her , by doing all these stuff . She avert her gaze from him and speak

Sushi - what's wrong with me ?

Darsh - don't try to act sushi , you're bad at it . Your face speaks up a lot

Sushi - darshan I'm all fine , and why would anything bother me

Darsh - you're fine

Sushi - ya , absolutely

Darsh - then speak it looking into my eyes

Sushi's head jerk with his words , she look at him , and then look away

Sushi - darshan I guess you need to grow up , we aren't kids to talk up this stupid things . Is this the only thing you wanted to speak with me

Darsh - childish , let it be childish . Just speak up that you're fine looking into my eyes ( he remove the vase that is kept on the the table and sit in front of her , taking her hands in his ) what is it sushi , just speak up ?

Sushi look at him - you , you are bothering me . Darshan just stop getting close to me , you'll end up hurting yourself . I tried up all my ways to push you away but ( she sigh )

Darsh - complete it , why you stopped

Sushi - will you plz leave

Darsh - I can leave now , but don't expect me to get away from you . Bcoz now that's not possible , sushi may be you're afraid to be hold on , but I'm not gonna hold off so easily

He left her hands and walked out , sushi closed the door and run to her room . She needed someone badly , to hold her , to tell her that she is loved , to be nice to her , to value her , to make her feel good . She was crying on the fact that someone is trying to do it , and she's pushing him away . But she can't afford him to get close to her as she will be leaving back in year or two . And she don't want anyone to get hurt bcoz of her . She likes him enough that she can sacrifice herself for his happiness .

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