Part 60 ...

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He reached up his home , it was late but yet his mom was waiting for him like always . But today his dad too was waiting for him . He entered and saw them both , he got nervous seeing his dad . He rubbed his hands together , and his plams went sweaty . He took deep breath , and walked a step , and suddenly turned back two steps . His forehead got worried lines , he turned at his dad's voice

Darshan's dad - what's wrong with you , don't tell that you failed again ?

He got confused , because he didn't tell abt the re-examination at home , then how come they got to know . His voice was shaky when he spoke

Darsh - how ... come ... you got to know abt re-examination ? ( hush he finally spoke with complete nervousness )

Darshan's dad - your principal sir called , he told us that they are taking re-examination . And you didn't even bothered to tell us that you failed

Darsh - I'm sorry dad , but I passed the examination with good grades

Darshan's dad - thank you to keep up that respect

He got up and started marching towards his room , when darshan stopped him and asked him to sit on the couch and that he wants to share something really important . He sat beside his mom , holding her hand

Darsh - mom , dad ; few days ago I sent a video for the auditions of a reality show . And I received their mail this morning that I'm selected ( he looked up to his dad and then mom , and started speaking again ) after two months I need to go to Mumbai .

His mom had tears in her eyes , she always knew that he will make it one day . She just pulled him in a hug and cried blessing him .

Darshan's dad - dikra , are you sure you want to do this . Risking your career , you don't even what is going to happen in life further

Darsh walked up to him and sat on his knees sandwiching his hands in his - dad I know you care about me and you want me to have a secure future . But dad I'm 100 percent sure that this is what I want to do , I don't know I'll paas or fail , or what's going to happen . But music gives me happiness , and this is the only thing that will make me happy forever
His dad nods and blesses him


Sushi is telling nik about Darshan's selection when her dad hears her out , he knocks on the door and get inside

Sushi's dad - can I have a conversation with you

Sushi - dad you can directly call me , why are you asking . I'll be in study in 5 minutes

Sushi's dad nod and leaves the room leaving them behind , after telling nik everything , she gets to the study room . And finds her dad reading a book , she sits on the chair and wait until her dad finishes . He read the last lines of the chapter and adding a bookmark he keeps it over the table . He walks up to sushi and sit on the opposite chair

Sushi's dad - he passed , you thought that might change him or his way of looking towards music

Sushi cut him in mid - I never thought of it dad , I never wanted him to change his attitude towards seeing music as a career . You always taught me that do whatever you love , then I don't mind with his love for music . It gives him happiness , and that smile is enough dad to make me smile

Sushi's dad - sushi life don't run on happiness , you need to think practically

Sushi - okay then practically even if he doesn't get fame or he don't be a famous singer , I'll be still earning dad . And ik that he won't pull me down if it's my success . He's not such a kinda man dad , it's just

Sushi's dad cut her - you are so blinded in love , so listen to my final decision then . If darshan goes to Mumbai for this so - called competition , then before that he needs to choose you or his love for his music . And I want you to follow my orders if he choose his music over you

Sushi - dad but

Sushi's dad - you can leave

Sushi gets to her room , she knows his choice . It doesn't effect her , like she was prepared for this . As if she knew that this is going to happen , yet somewhere the hope was still alive that may be darshan will choose her . Her mind and heart knew what's going to happen yet she didn't let the hope fade away . With tears in her eyes and papers she fall ASLEEP .

She had the time of two months , she wanted to live each and every moment of it with smiles and joy instead of cries and tears . She didn't tell darshan abt her conversation with her dad , even nik have no idea abt it . Today they were going to tell everyone abt his selection , sushi and darsh reached up at their katta . And as they are Darshan's friends , they arrived late . Darshan started beating them as they came

Darsh - Kamino , I told you guys to get here on time . And here you all are coming after 2 hours

Kri - we thought to give some private time to you and sushi

Adi - yaa , definitely . We thought that you guys might need some private time

Darsh hit Adi on his head - private time , ye akal baaki time kaha jaati hai

Adi - for a change , we use our head

Dhruwal - darshan now stop beating us and tell why you called us hear

Chinu - can we order something first

Darsh - bhukkad

Everyone starts laughing , and they order up . Till the order comes darshan tells them the good news , and everyone is so happy to hear abt it .

Dharal - so finally a bigger step towards your dream . Don't forget us after you become a star

Darsh put his hand over her neck - I'm planning to already do it , how come you read my thoughts , and sabse pehle tujhse picha chudaunga

Dharal punch him - kamine , I'll just dig your grave if you even think about it

Adi - I have a solution to it

Darsh look at him - what

Adi - if you ever forget us , then sushi ko bhaga le jaunga ( and wink )

Darsh didn't revert back , because he is simply aware of adi's feelings for her . He don't know whether sushi knows it or not , adi never expressed himself because he knew about what darshan think of her and when he got aware of sushi's feelings for darshan he himself backed off .

Sushi - don't know whether you will do it but I'm gonna fly off in few months anyways

Darsh instantly spoke up - you are not going anywhere , not until I'm alive .

He didn't knew what he just spoke , like giving a light to her hidden hope . But yet sushi prepared herself to leave .

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