Part 5 ...

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It's concert night day , sushi didn't came out of her room . It's 3 'o' clock and at 4 they have to leave . She didn't have anything , neither tea nor her breakfast and lunch . Adi is worried about her , so finally he decides up to go in her room whatever happens will be seen after confronting her . Without even bothering to knock he gets inside her room , he finds her lying over the couch reading her book and her guitar is kept aside . He takes a breath of relief after seeing her all normal . He goes to the couch and sit over his knees

Adi - you took the shit out of me , what the hell is wrong with you , why are you in your room from morning

After adding bookmark she look at him - dude you know when I start reading I just forget everything else . And this book , I thought it might give me answers to all my questions .

Adi - questions , what kinda questions you have

Sushi - this book starts with a question , " would you rather love the more , and suffer the more ; or love the less and suffer the less ? ". Such an apt question to my situation , so couldn't stop myself from reading it . Sry

She spoke making pouty lips and I loosed it , I have always loved her from heart but never confessed it . And what's the use , bcoz her heart belongs to my friend , who left her . She was never mine and she would never be . Life make things complicated , and for me the most complicated situation is to have control over myself bcoz I can't afford to loose a friend . I can be her friend for life but loosing her , not possible at all

Adi - we have to leave , get ready

Sushi blinks and Adi makes his way out of the room . She locks the door and lean to it and silently tears roll down her eyes . Adi knows she isn't fine but she won't show weak side to anyone . But he is helpless , he goes from there . Everyone was ready and they all were waiting for sushi to come . And here she comes , Adi and sushi are unaware about the fact that before the concert starts they gonna meet darshan raval . They all kept it a surprise for them , but they don't know that it would be a shock for them . They get in the car and reach the venue .


Slowly and gradually at first the sun , peeks up above the horizon, and from behind a zoom lens looks as though it sets the sky on fire; or how its upward progress gradually accelerates and leaves behind traces of pinks or oranges that only exist at dawn; and the way that the sun, once settled in the heavens, pierces the clouds with beams refracting like a prism onto the shadowy below. Sun rays through the huge glass door of his room falls up on his face and sun kissed his face . His messed up hairs and pleasant smile and sun rays failing , he just looks so adorable . He gets irritated and pulls out a pillow and hide his face . After almost five minutes , his phone rings up . He don't want to pick it up but its sound is irritating him . After struggling hard he reaches out to his phone on the side table . He swipes it and put it on his ears , and the screams from other side make him sit straight . It's Naushad bhai shouting over him bcoz he has missed out an important meeting and as he didn't came up so the meeting is postponed . He speaks out sry and cut the call . He gives out a yawn while stretching his arms . He gets up and freshen , he go out and ask vikas to bring his tea in the studio . He go and sit over his rotating chair , he prays out to the ganpati murti kept over the speaker . And start seeing all the details of the upcoming monsoon song . His whole day he has spent in the studio , in the evening he came out and finds richa with the outfit that I have wear in tonight's concert . It was blue and white so there was no point of arguing . He took the outfit from richa and came out wearing it . And she was surprisingly looking at him , he looked at her

Darsh - what happened richa

Richa - the girls are gonna die

He smiled and when everyone came , then they left for the venue . Their was a vanity till the show time happens . Vishal came to me and told that their are few people who wants to meet me . He said that they will be coming in next 10 minutes . I'm always exited to meet new people , and when I see love in their eyes for me , it gives me indescribable strength and a reason to live for them . I nodded

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